Regular exchange economies with negative prices
1992 |
Keenan, Donald C. |
Oligopoly with price inertia and bounded rationality
1992 |
Friedman, James W. |
Equilibrium of an economy with infinitely many indivisible commodities and consumers
1992 |
Dunz, Karl |
When non-transitive relations take maxima and competitive equilibrium can't be beat
1992 |
Bergstrom, Theodore C. |
Cooperative capital accumulation games and the core
1992 |
Becker, Robert Allen |
Promoting capital improvements by public utilities : a supergame approach
1992 |
Salant, David J. |
The economics of the Atlantic slave trade
1992 |
Khan, M. Ali |
Intra-industry trade, factor proportions, and aggregation
1992 |
Chipman, John Somerset |
Nice demand in rough neighborhoods : continuity in non-convex, dispersed economies
1992 |
Sheppard, Stephen |
Technical progress, terms of trade and welfare in a mobile capital Harris-Todaro model
1992 |
Choi, Jai-young |
Compensating variation as a measure of welfare change
1992 |
Chipman, John Somerset |
Kernels of replicated market games
1992 |
Shapley, Lloyd S. |
Existence of competitive equilibrium in a growing economy
1992 |
McKenzie, Lionel W. |
On aggregate demand in a measure space of agents
1992 |
Mas-Colell, Andreu |
International trade and endogenous production structures
1992 |
Jones, Ronald Winthrop |
The algebraic geometry of competitive equilibrium
1992 |
Blume, Lawrence E. |