The common man and the lost Austria in the west: a contribution to the German problem
1989 |
Brady, Thomas A. |
Church property in the German Protestant principalities
1989 |
Cohn, Henry J. |
Luther in Europe: his works in translation, 1517-46
1989 |
Moeller, Bernd |
'History of crime' or 'history of sin' : some reflections on the social history of early modern church discipline
1989 |
Schilling, Heinz |
Theshape of anti-clericalism and the English reformation
1989 |
Dickens, A. G. |
Queen Elizabeth I, the emperor Rudolph II and archduke Ernest, 1593-94
1989 |
Wernham, R. B. |
Thesettlement of the merchants adventurers at Stade, 1587-1611
1989 |
Ramsay, G. D. |
Theimpact of the Reformation : problems and perspectives
1989 |
Oberman, Heiko A. |
Martin Luther and the political world of his time
1989 |
Müller, Gerhard |
TheHoly Roman Empire in German history
1989 |
Press, Volker |
Police and the territorial state in sixteenth-century Württemberg
1989 |
Scribner, R. W. |
Theproblem of 'failure' in the Swiss Reformation : some preliminary reflections
1989 |
Guggisberg, Hans R. |
Bodin's universe an its paradoxes: some problems in the intellectual biography of Jean Bodin
1989 |
Rose, P. L. |
Theconclusive years : the end of the sixteenth century as the turning- point of Polish history
1989 |
Ma̧czak, Antoni |
TheReformation and the modern world
1989 |
Nipperdey, Thomas |
Is there a 'new history' of the urban Reformation?
1989 |
Rublack, Hans-Christoph |
Economic conflict and co-operation in the Upper Rhine
1989 |
Scott, Tom |
Cardinal Reginald Pole and the path to Anglo-Papal mediation at the peace conference of Marcq, 1553-55
1989 |
Lutz, Heinrich |
Two revolutions in early modern Denmark
1989 |
Petersen, E. Ladewig |
"Comme représentant nostre propre personne" : the regency ordinances of Charles V as a historical source
1989 |
Rabe, Horst |