Macro news and commodity returns
2017 |
Caporale, Guglielmo Maria |
How fat are the tails of equity market indices?
2017 |
Stoyanov, Stoyan V. |
Determinants of long- versus short-term bank credit in EU countries
2017 |
Anderson, Haelim Park |
Corporate governance structure and efficiencies of cooperative banks
2017 |
Yamori, Nobuyoshi |
Debt spikes, blind spots, and financial stress
2017 |
Jaramillo, Laura |
Euro effect on trade in final, intermediate and capital goods
2017 |
Martínez-Zarzoso, Inmaculada |
Eurozone cycles : an analysis of phase synchronization
2017 |
Granville, Brigitte |
Monetary policy and leverage shocks
2017 |
Istiak, Khandokar |
Equity flows, stock returns and exchange rates
2017 |
Kanas, Angelos |
Corporate governance, bank mergers and executive compensation
2017 |
Liu, Yan |
What drives differences of opinion in sovereign ratings? : the roles of information disclosure and political risk
2017 |
Huong Vu |
The assessment of the United States quantitative easing policy : evidence from global stock markets
2017 |
Su, Jung-Bin |
Economics blogs sentiment and asset prices
2017 |
Farina, Vincenzo |
Pricing the ECB's forward guidance with the EONIA swap curve
2017 |
Picault, Matthieu |
Euro area time-varying fiscal sustainability
2017 |
Afonso, António |
Alphas in disguise : a new approach to uncovering them
2017 |
Chinthalapati, V. L. Raju |
Mutual fund skill in timing market volatility and liquidity
2017 |
Foran, Jason |
On the stock market reactions to fiscal policies
2017 |
Foresti, Pasquale |
Mean and variance equation dynamics : time deformation, GARCH, and a robust analysis of the London housing market
2017 |
Cook, Steve |
US macroannouncements and international asset pricing
2017 |
Du, Ding |