What can we learn from privatization in Eastern Europe?
1991 |
Schwartz, Gerd |
Privatizing US highways : to what extent does it make sense?
1991 |
Roth, Gabriel Joseph |
Equity market privatizations sustain growth in developing countries
1991 |
Oyhenart, Marta A. |
The role of privatization in Pakistan, Indonesia, and the Philippines
1991 |
White, Thomas H. |
AID picks price waterhouse group for privatization program
1991 |
Sellers, Frank |
Municipal employee stock ownership plans
1991 |
Roth, Melinda A. |
The role of privatization in Pakistan, Indonesia, and the Philippines
1991 |
White, Thomas H. |
Privatizing the banks : a strategy for stronger financial systems in developing countries
1991 |
Zank, Neal S. |
Economic development by the year 2000 : a purely private affair?
1991 |
Thrasher, Richard D. |
Lessons of privatization from Argentina
1991 |
Mitrani, Christian J. |
Privatisation : learning from the UK experience ; excerpts from a speech delivered July 13, London, England
1990 |
Howe, Geoffrey |
Government money monopoly : privatization warranted?
1990 |
Sabrin, Murray |
Approaches to contracting out in eight small towns
1990 |
Ward, James D. |
The rocky road from socialism : privatization and economic reform in socialist countries
1990 |
Savas, Emanuel S. |
A proposal for a fast and efficient privatization of the state sector
1990 |
Bass, Stephen C. |
Should government buy or make education?
1990 |
Lieberman, Myron |
US Environmental Protection Agency's National Leadership Conference on Building Public-Private Partnerships : excerpts from the general proceedings and action agendas
1989 |
The Bush administration's policies on public-private partnerships
1989 |
Caras, Constantine |
The Kuala Lumpur Conference
1989 |
An answer to Gramm-Rudman, tax reform and tax revolts : successfully delivering public services and facilities through public-private partnerships
1989 |
Dixon, Richard B. |