Learning by Demonstration with Baxter Humanoid
2019 |
Al-Abdulqader, Othman |
View-Invariant Robot Adaptation to Human Action Timing
2019 |
Noceti, Nicoletta |
Application of Deep Learning Technique in UAV’s Search and Rescue Operations
2019 |
Naing, Kyaw Min |
An Exploratory Study of the Inputs for Ensemble Clustering Technique as a Subset Selection Problem
2019 |
Ayed, Samy |
Big Data Fusion Model for Heterogeneous Financial Market Data (FinDf)
2019 |
Evans, Lewis |
Artificial Morality Based on Particle Filter
2019 |
Toro, Federico Grasso |
Heterogeneous Semi-structured Objects Analysis
2019 |
Poltavtseva, M. |
Our New Handshake with the Robot
2019 |
Remarczyk, Marcin |
Simulation of an Artificial Hearing Module for an Assistive Robot
2019 |
Oliveira, Marcio L. L. |
Dynamic Walking Experiments for Humanoid Robot
2019 |
Pajaziti, Arbnor |
Proximity Full-Text Search with a Response Time Guarantee by Means of Additional Indexes
2019 |
Veretennikov, Alexander B. |
Application of Density Clustering Algorithm Based on SNN in the Topic Analysis of Microblogging Text: A Case of Smog
2019 |
Lu, Yonghe |
Public Opinion Analysis of Emergency on Weibo Based on Improved CSIM: The Case of Tianjin Port Explosion
2019 |
Lu, Yonghe |
An Analysis on the Micro-Blog Topic “The Shared Bicycle” Based on K-Means Algorithm
2019 |
Lu, Yonghe |
Enhancement of the K-Means Algorithm for Mixed Data in Big Data Platforms
2019 |
Koren, Oded |
Selecting Accurate Classifier Models for a MERS-CoV Dataset
2019 |
AlMoammar, Afnan |
Analyzing the Accuracy of Historical Average for Urban Traffic Forecasting Using Google Maps
2019 |
Rezzouqi, Hajar |
Sharing Driving Between a Vehicle Driver and a Sensor System Using Trust-Factors to Set Control Gains
2019 |
Sanders, David A. |
Learning to Drive With and Without Intelligent Computer Systems and Sensors to Assist
2019 |
Sanders, David Adrian |
Forecasting Air Traveling Demand for Saudi Arabia’s Low Cost Carriers
2019 |
Alarfaj, Eman |