Economic analysis of oil losses correction factor determination usage proportional and stratified methods in “LA” field
2021 |
Arif, Luqman |
Geothermal energy development in Indonesia and its obstacles
2021 |
Yanti, W. |
The effect of inaccessible pore volume and adsorption on polymer flooding for field scale injection in RZ field
2021 |
Swadesi, Boni |
Chemical injection field development strategies to increase oil recovery factors using reservoir simulation (Case study in JHD field)
2021 |
Pamungkas, Joko |
Geoscience and drilling data assessment in forming reservoir simulation models to achieve natural state conditions
2021 |
Kristiati, E. A. |
Geochemical exploration of KPH geothermal field, Indonesia
2021 |
Ganes, Achmat Adnan |
Improving oil recovery in a solution gas drive-carbonate reservoir by polymer injection
2021 |
Suwardi |
Brown field development management strategy using quadrant analysis (ESP lifting conversion study case)
2021 |
Daroni, Afwan |
Estimation of permeability value based on rock quality designation
2021 |
Wijaya, Pawitra |
Effects of groundwater level on slope stability of open pit coal mine
2021 |
Santoso, Eko |
Comparative study of cut-off grade optimization methods in underground gold mining
2021 |
Herdyanti, Mixsindo Korra |
Removal of silicates from gibbsite-bauxite ore by using cationic reverse flotation
2021 |
Palit, Christin |
Modelling groundwater inflow into an underground mining from ore bodies hydraulically interconnected with surface water
2021 |
Nurcahya, Dwi Tama |
Total sulfur variability analysis of coal deposits using ordinary kriging estimation
2021 |
Novianti, Yunijar Siska |
Quality test of drill wells in campus Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta
2021 |
Wisaksono, Bambang |
Andesite commodity estimation using 2D resistivity geoelectric analysis with Schlumberger method in Kaliglagah village, Loano district, Purworejo
2021 |
Ratminah, Wawong Dwi |
Quality of rock from Ngrayong Formation as additional material for cement manufacture, Gunem District, Rembang Regency, Central Java
2021 |
Winarno, Tri |
Diffuse flow separation in the three largest springs on the north side of the Karangbolong karst area, Central Java, Indonesia
2021 |
Fauzi, Danang Riza |
Engineering geology-based land zoning at the location of Piyungan landfill development plan, special region of Yogyakarta
2021 |
Mucharomah, Siti |
Analysis of floods recession constant of several karst springs in the north side of Karangbolong (Gombong) karst area, Central Java
2021 |
Fauzi, Danang Riza |