Autonomous units for solving and traveling salesperson problem based on ant colony optimization
2011 |
Kuske, Sabine |
Dynamic vehicle routing in over congested urban areas
2011 |
Novaes, Antônio Galvão |
An approach to model reduction of logistic networks based on ranking
2011 |
Scholz-Reiter, Bernd |
EURIDICE : platform architecture in logistics for "The internet of things"
2011 |
Schumacher, Jens |
Modelling packaging systems in the furniture industry
2011 |
Reinking, Dennis |
Monitoring methodology for productive arrangements (supply chain)
2011 |
Carmo, Breno Barros Telles do |
A model of wireless sensor networks using opportunistic routing in logistic harbor scenarios
2011 |
Vo Que Son |
Logistics service providers in Brazil : a comparison between different development regions
2011 |
Luna, Mônica Maria Mendes |
Stability analysis of large scale networks of autonomous work systems with delays
2011 |
Karimi, H. R. |
Optimization of spare parts lot size for supply of equipment's park
2011 |
Morozova, Iryna |
Weighted multiplicative decision function for distributed routing in transport logistics
2011 |
Wenning, Bernd-Ludwig |
Performance measurement for interorganisational collaborations of SMEs
2011 |
Uygun, Yilmaz |
On the formation of operational transport collaboration systems
2011 |
Bloos, Melanie |
Dynamic routing applied to mobile field service
2011 |
Raduan, Auro C. |
Adaptive RBAC in complex event-driven BPM systems
2011 |
Yahya, Bernardo N. |
Decentralisation and interaction efficiency in cooperating autonomous logistics processes
2011 |
Schuldt, Arne |
Tag-to-tag mesh network using dual-radio RFID system for port logistics
2011 |
Kim, Jinhwan |
Auto-triggering of RFID-based logistic process in inter-workflow using complex event
2011 |
Bae, Hyerim |
Dynamic scheduling of production and inter-facilities logistic systems
2011 |
Scholz-Reiter, Bernd |
Development of a genetic algorithm for the maritime transportation planning of car carries
2011 |
Jung, Jae Un |