On backward whirl excitation in linear time-variant intact and cracked rotor systems
2019 |
Alzarooni, Tariq |
Gravity waves in channels with corrugated bottom: asymptotic approaches
2019 |
Bielski, Wtodzimierz |
Nonholonomic acceleration and chaotic dynamics of locomotion
2019 |
Bizyaev, Ivan |
Adaptive fractional order control of a quadrotor
2019 |
Dulf, Eva-H. |
Finding globally optimal combinations of cranes drive mechanisms by the method of exhausting alternative design structures of mechanisms
2019 |
Chwastek, Stefan |
Influence of control system parameters and it’s disturbances on lane change process
2019 |
Gidlewski, Mirostaw |
Stability and control of a hybrid walking robot on planar, unstable and vibrating terrain
2019 |
Grzelczyk, Dariusz |
A rotational energy harvester for propulsion systems: design and experimental validation
2019 |
Gunn, Ben |
Nonlinear dynamics of the sensory element of the atomic force microcopy
2019 |
Lukin, Alexey |
Numerical and experimental investigations of dynamics of magnetic pendulum with an aerostatic bearing
2019 |
Ogińska, Ewelina |
Size-dependent nonlinear vibrations of micro-plates subjected to in-plane magnetic field
2019 |
Mazur, Olga |
Kinematic analysis of the rolling locomotion of mobile robots based on tensegrity structures with spatially curved compressed components
2019 |
Li, Enrique Roberto Carrillo |
Dynamics of logistic train
2019 |
Paszkowiak, Wojciech |
Dynamics of non-linear processes in a backward-wave tubes chain: Chaos and strange attractors
2019 |
Ternovsky, Valentin |
Experimental assessment of the test station support structure rigidity by the vibration diagnostics method
2019 |
Šmeringaiová, Anna |
Mathematical model and a prototype of a linear motor controlled by a periodic Magnetic field
2019 |
Zimmermann, Klaus |
Energy spectrum of inhomogeneous rods with elastic and viscous boundary conditions
2019 |
Zsiros, Ádám |
Estimation of the domain of attraction for a nonlinear mechanical system
2019 |
Awrejcewicz, Jan |
Nonlinear dynamics of laser systems: Chaos, bifurcations and strange attractors
2019 |
Buyadzhi, Vasily |
Experimental nonlinear localisation in a system of two coupled beams
2019 |
Grolet, Aurélien |