Exploitation and protection of the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf
1986 |
Rosenne, Shabtai |
The UNEP African inland water programme
1986 |
Rummel-Bulska, Iwona |
Use, management and protection of the soil : desertification
1986 |
Tsur, Yoel A. |
Resource sharing : penury or development the international response
1986 |
Trumpy, Thomas B. |
The effectiveness of international law with regard to endangered species
1986 |
Hoogstraten, Steven van |
Nécessité d'établir des normes uniformes relatives à l'environnement
1986 |
Abdel Hady, Abdel Haziz M. |
Legal problems arising from the protection of the ozone layer
1986 |
Williams, Sylvia Maureen |
Quelques rematques sur l'evolution du droit international relatif à la lutte contre la pollution des mers
1986 |
Bekhechi, Mohammed Abdelwahab |
Protection of the marine environment against pollution
1986 |
Yturriage, José Antonio de |
The preparatory commission of the international sea-bed authority and the future exploitation of sea-bed resources
1986 |
Ibrahim, Nabil Moustafa |
International law and the disposal of nuclear wastes prospects for supranational regulation
1986 |
Kuhn Bleimaier, John |
L'Orbit geostionnaire : resource naturelle?
1986 |
Nonnemacher, Georges-Gilber |
L'utilisation et la protection des cours d'eau internationaux dans les pays de l'Europe orientale
1986 |
Bruhács, János |
Droit de la procreation et instruments internationaux
1986 |
Revillard, Mariel |
Ressources naturelles partagées et ressources de l'humanité
1986 |
Dupuy, Pierre-Marie |
Les resources naturelles et le droit international : conclusions
1986 |
Kiss, Alexandre Charles |
Droit au developement et jus cogens
1986 |
Bedjaoui, Mohammed |
Pending problems on international law of the environment
1986 |
Nascimento e Silva, Geraldo Eulálio do |
Recent developments relating to the Vienna convention for the protection of the ozone layer
1986 |
Rummel-Bulska, Iwona |
Legal analysis of the political barriers to the international transfer of technology
1983 |
Kuhn Bleimaier, John |