Les Danois sont-ils des incompris ?
2023 |
Baron, Irène |
Endocentrism and analytic naming as communication strategies of the Danish language
2023 |
Nikulicheva, Dina |
The structure of wh-exclamatives in Jordanian Arabic and beyond
2023 |
Al-Bataineh, Hussein |
L'énigme ontologique des démonstratifs cataphoriques
2023 |
Kleiber, Georges |
From complex prepositions to complex subordinators: challenging generalizations
2023 |
Béchet,Christophe |
Building bridges between conceptual metaphor theory, L2 speakers' perception, and pedagogical practice
2023 |
Martín-Gascón, Beatriz |
Modalité, typologie et cognition : la construction devoir + Infinitif comme périphrase future et évidentielle
2023 |
Kronning, Hans |
A trichotomic view of the linguistic sign: from the distinction between hyponyms and hypernyms to the distinction between images and ideas
2023 |
Durst-Andersen, Per |
Linguistic cognition and worldview
2023 |
Nedergaard Thomsen, Ole |
The use of case forms in Modern Danish - an empirical study
2023 |
Skafte Jensen, Eva |
Autour du concept de l'adjet: la beauté de la simplicité
2023 |
Schøsler, Lene |
L'importance de la théorie de la typologie lexicale pour comprendre d'évolution des langues romanes : I'opposition typologique entre le français et I'italien
2023 |
Begioni, Louis |
Herslund on Danish suprasegmentals: an appraisal and a comparison
2023 |
Basbøll, Hans |
Sémantique du nom objectif
2023 |
Lammert, Marie |
Schematicity vs. lexicality: typological differences between Danish and Spanish
2023 |
Müller, Henrik Høeg |
The structure of wh-exclamatives in Jordanian Arabic and beyond
2023 |
Al-Bataineh, Hussein |
The use of case forms in Modern Danish - an empirical study
2023 |
Skafte Jensen, Eva |
From complex prepositions to complex subordinators: challenging generalizations
2023 |
Béchet, Christophe |
Building bridges between conceptual metaphor theory, L2 speakers' perception, and pedagogical practice
2023 |
Martín-Gascón, Beatriz |
[Rezension von: Poppe, Nikolaus, Vergleichende Grammatik der altaischen Sprachen, Teil 1: Vergleichende Lautlehre]
1966 |
Meyer, Iben Raphael |