Thinker and intellectual in primitive society
1960 |
Redfield, Robert |
Plato and the definition of the primitive
1960 |
Diamond, Stanley |
The Columbia Indian Confederacy : a league of Central Plateau tribes
1960 |
Ray, Verne Frederick |
Some genetic affilations of Algonkian
1960 |
Haas, Mary R. |
Reflections on the ontology of rice
1960 |
Hanks, Jane Richardson |
Classical and Indo-Iranian analogues in Southeast Asia and Pacific Islands
1960 |
Wallis, Wilson D. |
Remarques sur le "rope trick"
1960 |
Eliade, Mircea |
Some notes on the Greek Orpheus tradition
1960 |
Ehnmark, Erland |
The evolution of Polynesian societies$by Irving Goldman, Sarah Lawrence College
1960 |
Goldman, Iriving |
Ojibwa ontology, behavior, and world view
1960 |
Hallowell, Alfred Irving |
Concerning the concept of "primitivity"
1960 |
Goldstein, Kurt |
The native dog in the Polynesian system of values
1960 |
Luomala, Katharine |
The livelihood of the ordinary people of the Portuguese Algarve
1960 |
Stanislawski, Dan |
On interhemisphere linguistic connections
1960 |
Swadesh, Morris |
Athapaskan languages of the Pacific Coast
1960 |
Hoijer, Harry |
Four Winnebago myths : a structural sketch
1960 |
Lévi-Strauss, Claude |
Social perception and scriptural theory in Indian caste
1960 |
Mandelbaum, David Goodman |
Beziehungen zwischen dem alten Testament und der nilotischen Kultur in Afrika
1960 |
Jensen, Adolf E. |
Myth as world view : a biosocial synthesis
1960 |
Count, Earl W. |
Marxian theories of law in primitive society
1960 |
Moore, Stanley W. |