Biarticular Muscles Improve the Stability of a Neuromechanical Model of the Rat Hindlimb
2023 |
Deng, Kaiyu |
A Pneumatic Bending Actuator System Inspired by the Avian Tendon Locking Mechanism
2023 |
Kappel, Peter |
Sporify: An Automated Tool to Quantify Spores in Z-Stacked 3D Samples
2023 |
Sten, Oscar |
GANGLIA: A Tool for Designing Customized Neuron Circuit Patterns
2023 |
Liao, Ashlee S. |
Study and Preliminary Modeling of Microstructure and Morphology of the Elephant Trunk Skin
2023 |
Kamare, Behnam |
The Tall, the Squat, & the Bendy: Parametric Modeling and Simulation Towards Multi-functional Biohybrid Robots
2023 |
Schaffer, Saul |
Motivational Modulation of Consummatory Behaviour and Learning in a Robot Model of Spatial Navigation
2023 |
Jimenez-Rodriguez, Alejandro |
A Simple Dynamic Controller for Emulating Human Balance Control
2023 |
McNeal, J. Stu |
Slug Battery: An Enzymatic Fuel Cell Tested in vitro in Aplysia californica Hemolymph
2023 |
Cockrell, Theo |
Towards a Soft Artificial Larynx: A Biomimetic Design
2023 |
Pozzi, Jasmine |
A Multibody Approach for the Finger Force Estimation of a Robotic Hand
2023 |
Grazioso, Andrea |
Optimization of Kirigami-Inspired Fingers Grasping Posture in Virtual Environments
2023 |
Nardin, Anderson B. |
BrainX3: A Neuroinformatic Tool for Interactive Exploration of Multimodal Brain Datasets
2023 |
Sharma, Vivek |
A Comparison of Absolute and Relative Neural Encoding Schemes in Addition and Subtraction Functional Subnetworks
2023 |
Scharzenberger, Cody |
Topical Grouping of Thousands of Biomimetics Articles According to Their Goals, Results and Methods
2023 |
Carniel, Théophile |
Feed Me: Robotic Infiltration of Poison Frog Families
2023 |
Chen, Tony G. |
A Novel Steerable Catheter Controlled with a Biohybrid Actuator: A Feasibility Study
2023 |
Salvatori, Carlotta |
Multimodal Parameter Inference for a Canonical Motor Microcircuit Controlling Rat Hindlimb Motion
2023 |
Jackson, Clayton |
Model Reveals Joint Properties for Which Co-contracting Antagonist Muscles Increases Joint Stiffness
2023 |
Kudyba, Isabella |
Toward a More Realistic 3D Biomimetic Soft Robotic Tongue to Investigate Oral Processing of Semi-solid Foods
2023 |
Avila-Sierra, Alejandro |