The Research of Vibration Isolation for Small-size Engines for Ship (lst Report; The Calculation of Vibration Isolation by Matrix Method)
1983 |
Noma, Shigeaki |
The Research of Vibration Isolation for Small-size Engines for Ship (2nd Report; Development on 4 Cylinder Marine Diesel Engine)
1983 |
Yonezawa, Toru |
Effluent of Scrubber in Inert Gas System (Part 2)
1983 |
Ohnaga, Kazuhiko |
Operation and Maintenance of Marine Engines (Analysis of Failure on Marine Engine Operation)
1983 |
Watanabe, Takuji |
(3) Example of Damage Repair on Marine Diesel Engine Flywheel
1983 |
Ihara, Toshiaki |
Shipboard Machinery Failures
1983 |
Kimura, Takayoshi |
(4) Report of Temporary Measures in Ship Repairs
1983 |
Wakabayashi, Hidetoshi |
Loss Coefficient of Large Valves
1983 |
Ishikawa, Tetsuji |
Study on the Effective Viscosity of Working Oil in Viscous Torsional Vibration Damper of Diesel Engine (Second Report; Complex Viscosity of Working Oil in Damper of High Speed Engine)
1983 |
Iwamoto, Shoichi |
Study on the High Pour Point Crude 0il Washing (1st Report) Research
1983 |
Watanabe, Kazuo |
Energy Analysis on Exhaust Gas Pulsation
1983 |
Yura, Tadayoshi |
Analysis of Vibrations of Reciprocating Engine Shaftings by the Transfer Matrix Method (The fourth report, Torsional Vibration Stress of Crankshaft with a Viscous Fluid Damper)
1983 |
Wakabayashi, Katsuhiko |
Experimental Research of Fluidized Bed Combustion for Marine Application
1983 |
Kawasaki, Sumio Hamahira |
Study on Optimum Extraction Points of Regenerative Steam Turbine Cycle
1983 |
Nakanishi, Shigeyasu |
Measurement of Soot Particles in Combustion Chamber of Diesel Engine (3rd Report, Analysis of Soot Behaviour through Image Processing of Highspeed Photograph)
1983 |
Kontani, Kazuo |
Flow Characteristics of Fuel Injection Nozzles for Diesel Engine (2nd Rep. Limited Flow through Small Orifice)
1983 |
Yokota, Motohiro |
Ventilation of Gas Explosion in Partially Confined Region (III)
1983 |
Numano, Masayoshi |
Combustion of Marine Low Grade Fuel Droplets (Series Report, Burning Rate)
1983 |
Chen, Cheh-Hsiung |
Natural Convection Heat Transfer of High Viscous Fluids including a Low Grade Fuel and a Coal 0il Mixture [COM]
1983 |
Akagi, Shinsuke |
Characterization of Black Smoke and White Smoke Emissions from Diesel Engine
1983 |
Takeuchi, Kiichiro |