Machine-Learned Premise Selection forLean
2023 |
Piotrowski, Bartosz |
CoNP Complexity for Combinations of Non-normal Modal Logics
2023 |
Dalmonte, Tiziano |
Proof-Theoretic Semantics for Intuitionistic Multiplicative Linear Logic
2023 |
Gheorghiu, Alexander V. |
Testing the Satisfiability of Formulas in Separation Logic with Permissions
2023 |
Peltier, Nicolas |
Range-Restricted and Horn Interpolation through Clausal Tableaux
2023 |
Wernhard, Christoph |
gym-saturation: Gymnasium Environments for Saturation Provers (System description)
2023 |
Shminke, Boris |
A Linear Perspective on Cut-Elimination for Non-wellfounded Sequent Calculi with Least and Greatest Fixed-Points
2023 |
Saurin, Alexis |
Canonicity of Proofs in Constructive Modal Logic
2023 |
Acclavio, Matteo |
Non-Classical Logics in Satisfiability Modulo Theories
2023 |
Eisenhofer, Clemens |
A New Calculus for Intuitionistic Strong Löb Logic: Strong Termination and Cut-Elimination, Formalised
2023 |
Shillito, lan |
Some Analytic Systems of Rules
2023 |
Lang, Timo |
DefTab: A Tableaux System for Sceptical Consequence in Default Modal Logics
2023 |
Areces, Carlos |
Non-distributive Description Logic
2023 |
Berg, Ineke van der |
Towards Proof-Theoretic Formulation of the General Theory of Term-Forming Operators
2023 |
Indrzejczak, Andrzej |
Resolution Calculi for Non-normal Modal Logics
2023 |
Pattinson, Dirk |
Extensions of K5: Proof Theory and Uniform Lyndon Interpolation
2023 |
Giessen, Iris van der |
The Logic of Separation Logic: Models and Proofs
2023 |
Boer, Frank S. de |
The MaxSAT Problem in the Real-Valued MV-Algebra
2023 |
Hanikovd, Zuzana |
A Naive Prover for First-Order Logic: A Minimal Example of Analytic Completeness
2023 |
From, Asta Halkjeer |
A Cut-Free, Sound and Complete Russellian Theory of Definite Descriptions
2023 |
Indrzejczak, Andrzej |