KTeV Measurements of CP & T Violation
2001 |
Tschirhart, R. S. |
Measurement of K+ — π0c+v (Ke3) form factors
2001 |
Shimizu, S. |
Study of the K+ —>π+π0γ decay in BNL-E787
2001 |
Tsunemi, T. |
Chiral Perturbation Theory in Radiative Kaon Decay
2001 |
Nakano, T. |
Exotic search at the BNL E787-E949 - search for the rare decay K+→π+ɣ
2001 |
Komatsubara, T. K. |
Current status of the experimental study of the K+ —>γ0u+Ɣ decay in BNL-E787
2001 |
Fujiware, T. |
Future NA48 programs for hyperon rare decays and CP violation measure-ments
2001 |
Koch, U. |
KEK/JAERI joint project on high intensity proton accelerators
2001 |
Nagamiya, S. |
A beam test of PbWO4 Cherenkov radiators
2001 |
Kobayashi, M. |
Gain Monitoring System Using LED’s (BNL-E949)
2001 |
Nomura, T. |
Recent Results from NA48
2001 |
Gershon, T. |
Analysis for Rare Decay Modes (E787)
2001 |
Muramatsu, N. |
Branching ratio measurement of K+→π+π0ɣ direct emission
2001 |
Imazato, J. |
KL—>π0νv experiment - KEK-PS E391a
2001 |
Lim, G. Y. |
Fermilab KAMI Project
2001 |
Yamanaka, T. |
Performance Test of the GSO Bar
2001 |
Tamagawa, Y. |
New Programmable Trigger Board and Mean-timer Modules for BNL-E949 Experiment
2001 |
Yoshioka, T. |
K+ semileptonic decay form factor study in the T(Ku3)/T(Ke3) measurement
2001 |
Horie, K. |
The Fermilab CKM Experiment
2001 |
Tschirhart, R. S. |
Stopped Kaon Experiment for K+ —>π+vv - from E787 to E949 and the future
2001 |
Komatsubara, T. K. |