Design of a center of gravity measuring device for LAPAN-A4 satellite based on a modified suspension method
2021 |
Rianto, Puji |
Tsunami post disaster robot: Simulation and implementation of aerial path planning to explore ınknown environment
2021 |
Rogonondo, Hardefa Rizky Putu |
Avionics subsystems design and development for HALE UAV ITB V4
2021 |
Akbar, M. F. |
Computational fluid dynamics analysis and aircraft performance studies of GL-1’s spoiler extension
2021 |
Mulyanto, T. |
Load and stress analysis of POD part on LSA (LAPAN surveillance aircraft)
2021 |
Aritonang, Rian Suari |
Preliminary results of the particle packing density theory for improving the theoretical density öf composite propellant
2021 |
Prianto, Bayu |
Onboard visual drone detection for drone chasing and collision avoidance
2021 |
Makirin, M. K. |
Low Earth orbit multi-mission satellite transceiver based on software-defined radio
2021 |
Nasser, E. N. |
Real-time IMU sensor data transmission through PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) concept based on telemetry system design
2021 |
Mutho’Affifah, F. L. |
Implementation of ADS-B receiver using software define radio (SDR)
2021 |
Pratama, Reiza |
Testing of an infrared-based SACLOS guidance in a subsonic wind tunnel
2021 |
Nugroho, Larasmoyo |
Measurement interference S-band frequency in Parepare Remote Sensing Ground Station
2021 |
Hidayat, A. |
Clutter removal improvement of marine radar for weather observation
2021 |
Awaludin, Asif |
Early development of horizon detection system based on OpenCV and Python
2021 |
Adi, Andreas P. |
Data acquisition hardware module of automated measurement system for wheel drive electronics development
2021 |
Robbani, Arba |
Conceptual design of low altitude long endurance solar powered unmanned aerial vehicle
2021 |
Suryana, E. R. |
Static aeroelasticity analysis of solar-powered UAV
2021 |
Setiawan, M. N. |
ITB high altitude long endurance UAV development: Past and future
2021 |
Moelyadi, Mochammad Agoes |
Lateral stability control of LAPAN missile using incremental-based model reference adaptive control
2021 |
Istigomah, A. |
The Implementation of the chevron design for the noise reduction technology: A review
2021 |
Farahi, Muhammad Afiq |