Bench test of small plastic scintillator tiles for the JLC EM calorimeter
2002 |
Sanchez, A. L. C. |
Latest results from K2K experment
2002 |
Oyama, Y. |
Neutrinoless double beta decay and DCBA experiment at KEK
2002 |
Tamura, N. |
Final Focus Test Optics for the ATF
2002 |
Kuroda, S. |
Results of BESS at solar maximum
2002 |
Shikaze, Y. |
3- and 2-body supersymmetric processes : predictions, challenges and prospectives
2002 |
Borzumati, F. |
Simulation and event generation in high-energy physics
2002 |
Perret-Gallix, D. |
Measurement of fundamental parameters from Belle
2002 |
Kwon, Y. J. |
A dark matter search with CsI crystals
2002 |
Kim, H. J. |
Advanced composition experiment for the space station
2002 |
Park, I. H. |
Offshellness and boundstates of heavy quarks
2002 |
Kiyo, Y. |
Kinematical reconstruction of the tt system near its threshold at future e+e- linear colliders
2002 |
Ikematsu, K. |
Vub, Vcb and heavy hadron decays in effective field theory of heavy quarks
2002 |
Wang, W. Y. |
EDM constraints in SUSY models
2002 |
Lebedev, O. |
Jet pairing algorithm for the 6-jet higgs channel via energy chi-square criterion
2002 |
Magallanes, J. B. |
Invisible decays of the supersymmetric Higgs and dark matter
2002 |
Godbole, R. M. |
Simulator Status of JUPITER and Satellites
2002 |
Hoshina, K. |
JLC Overview
2002 |
Miyamoto, A. |
Beam Test Data Analysis of the JLC-CDC baby Chamber
2002 |
Gooc, H. C. |
Study of e+e--> evW and e+e--> eeZ
2002 |
Arogancia, D. |