Collective and Individual Decision-Making in Swarm Robotics
2020 |
Mostaghim, Sanaz |
Rise of Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization: Algorithms and Applications
2020 |
Deb, Kalyanmoy |
A Comprehensive Study on Subgraph Crossover in Cartesian Genetic Programming
2020 |
Kalkreuth, Roman |
Grammar-based Fuzzy Pattern Trees for Classification Problems
2020 |
Murphy, Aidan |
Parameter Sensitivity Patterns in the Plant Propagation Algorithm
2020 |
Jonge, Marleen de |
Evolutionary Large-scale Sparse Multi-objective Optimization for Collaborative Edge-cloud Computation Offloading
2020 |
Peng, Guang |
Metaheuristics for the Minimum Set Cover Problem: A Comparison
2020 |
Rosenbauer, Lukas |
The addRole-EA: A New Evolutionary Algorithm for the Role Mining Problem
2020 |
Anderer, Simon |
Merging Partial Fuzzy Rule-bases
2020 |
Danková, Martina |
Devising Asymmetric Linguistic Hedges to Enhance the Accuracy of NEFCLASS for Datasets with Highly Skewed Feature Values
2020 |
Yousefi, Jamileh |
InfoSalGAIL: Visual Attention-empowered Imitation Learning of Pedestrian Behavior in Critical Traffic Scenarios
2020 |
Vozniak, Igor |
Bootstrapping a DQN Replay Memory with Synthetic Experiences
2020 |
Pilchau, Wenzel Baron Pilar von |
Soil Moisture Prediction Model from ERAS5-Land Parameters using a Deep Neural Networks
2020 |
Diouf, Daouda |
Classifying Incomplete Vectors using Decision Trees
2020 |
Twala, Bhekisipho |
Generative Modeling of Synthetic Eye-tracking Data: NLP-based Approach with Recurrent Neural Networks
2020 |
Elbattah, Mahmoud |
Exogenous Data for Load Forecasting: A Review
2020 |
Christen, Ramón |
Nanogrids: A Smart Way to Integrate Public Transportation Electric Vehicles into Smart Grids
2020 |
Ferrandino, Emanuele |
Classification and Calibration Techniques in Predictive Maintenance: A Comparison between GMM and a Custom One-Class Classifier
2020 |
Santis, Enrico de |
Behavioural Modelling of Digital Circuits in System Verilog using Grammatical Evolution
2020 |
Ryan, Conor |
Feature Selection using Binary Moth Flame Optimization with Time Varying Flames Strategies
2020 |
Khurma, Ruba Abu |