Efficient Main-Memory Top-K Selection For Multicore Architectures
2020 |
Zois, Vasileios |
Fully Dynamic Depth-First Search in Directed Graphs
2020 |
Yang, Bohua |
On Supporting Efficient Snapshot Isolation for Hybrid Workloads with Multi-Versioned Indexes
2020 |
Sun, Yihan |
Pushing Data-Induced Predicates Through Joins in Big-Data Clusters
2020 |
Kandula, Srikanth |
Discovery of Approximate (and Exact) Denial Constraints
2020 |
Pena, Eduardo H. M. |
Free Gap Information from the Differentially Private Sparse Vector and Noisy Max Mechanisms
2020 |
Ding, Zeyu |
Learning to Sample: Counting with Complex Queries
2020 |
Walenz, Breit |
Panorama: A Data System for Unbounded Vocabulary Querying over Video
2020 |
Zhang, Yuhao |
AJoin: Ad-hoc Stream Joins at Scale
2020 |
Shetiya, Suraj |
Planting Trees for scalable and efficient Canonical Hub Labeling
2020 |
Lakhotia, Kartik |
Mining an "Anti-Knowledge Base” from Wikipedia Updates with Applications to Fact Checking and Beyond
2020 |
Karaglannis, Georgios |
M.B.R.O.S.I.A: Providing Performant Virtual Resiliency for Distributed Applications
2020 |
Goldstein, Jonathan |
Revenue Maximization for Query Pricing
2020 |
Chawla, Shuchi |
Automating Distributed Tiered Storage Management in Cluster Computing
2020 |
Herodotou, Herodotos |
Vacuum Filters: More Space-Efficient and Faster Replacement for Bloom and Cuckoo Filters
2020 |
Wang, Minmei |
Deep Unsupervised Cardinality Estimation
2020 |
Yang, Zongheng |
Database Processing-in-Memory: An Experimental Study
2020 |
Kepe, Tiago R. |
Last-Mile Delivery Made Practical: An Efficient Route Planning Framework with Theoretical Guarantees
2020 |
Zeng, Yuxiang |
Harmonia: Near-Linear Scalability for Replicated Storage with In-Network Conflict Detection
2020 |
Zhu, Hang |
DPTree: Differential Indexing for Persistent Memory
2020 |
Zhou, Xinjing |