"Multinational firms" sourcing decisions and wage inequality : a dynamic analysis
2023 |
Jiang, Zhe |
Asset prices in a labor search model with confidence shocks
2023 |
Krivenko, Pavel |
Vector autoregression models with skewness and heavy tails
2023 |
Karlsson, Sune |
The random two-sector RSS model : on discounted optimal growth without Ramsey-Euler conditions
2023 |
Khan, M. Ali |
Estimation of heuristic switching in behavioral macroeconomic models
2023 |
Kukacka, Jiri |
Spatial growth theory : optimality and spatial heterogeneity
2023 |
Xepapadeas, Anastasios |
Duration structure of unemployment hazards and the trend unemployment rate
2023 |
Ahn, Hie Joo |
Quantum monte carlo for economics : stress testing and macroeconomic deep learning
2023 |
Skavysh, Vladimir |
Multi-establishment firms, misallocation, and productivity
2023 |
Xi, Xican |
Asset purchases, limited asset markets participation and inequality
2023 |
Tsiaras, Stylianos |
A horse race of alternative monetary policy regimes under bounded rationality
2023 |
Wagner, Joel |
Market selection and learning under model misspecification
2023 |
Bottazzi, Giulio |
Information and communication technologies and medium-run fluctuations
2023 |
Brianti, Marco |
Two-stage investment, loan guarantees and share buybacks
2023 |
Dong, Linjia |
Optimal policies with heterogeneous agents : truncation and transitions
2023 |
Le Grand, François |
The impact of asset purchases in an experimental market with consumption smoothing motives
2023 |
Duan, Jieyi |
Collateral and reputation in a model of strategic defaults
2023 |
Lukyanov, Georgy |
Time-variation in the effects of push and pull factors on portfolio flows : evidence from a Bayesian dynamic factor model
2023 |
Bettendorf, Timo |
Taming the housing roller coaster : the impact of macroprudential policy on the house price cycle
2023 |
Carro, Adrian |
(A)symmetric equilibria and adaptive learning dynamics in small-committee voting
2023 |
Chernomaz, Kirill |