A Product Shape Manifold Approach for Optimizing Piecewise-Smooth Shapes
2023 |
Pryymak, Lidiya |
A Neurogeometric Stereo Model for Individuation of 3D Perceptual Units
2023 |
Bolelli, Maria Virginia |
Quasi-arithmetic Centers, Quasi-arithmetic Mixtures, and the Jensen-Shannon V-Divergences
2023 |
Nielsen, Frank |
A q-Analogue of the Family of Poincaré Distributions on the Upper Half Plane
2023 |
Tojo, Koichi |
Conformal Submersion with Horizontal Distribution and Geodesics
2023 |
Moosath, K. S. Subrahamanian |
Categorical Magnitude and Entropy
2023 |
Chen, Stephanie |
A Historical Perspective on Schiitzenberger-Pinsker Inequalities
2023 |
Rioul, Olivier |
Revisiting Lattice Tiling Decomposition and Dithered Quantisation
2023 |
Meneghetti, Fabio C. C. |
Towards Quotient Barycentric Subspaces
2023 |
Calissano, Anna |
Avoiding the General Position Condition When Computing the Topology of a Real Algebraic Plane Curve Defined Implicitly
2023 |
Caravantes, Jorge |
An Approximate Projection onto the Tangent Cone to the Variety of Third-Order Tensors of Bounded Tensor-Train Rank
2023 |
Vermeylen, Charlotte |
Coberent States and Entropy
2023 |
Barron, Tatyana |
A Non-formal Formula for the Rankin-Cohen Deformation Quantization
2023 |
Bieliavsky, Pierre |
Gauge Transformations in Stochastic Geometric Mechanics
2023 |
Huang, Qiao |
Functional Properties of PDE-Based Group Equivariant Convolutional Neural Networks
2023 |
Pai, Gautam |
Can Generalised Divergences Help for Invariant Neural Networks?
2023 |
Velasco-Forero, Santiago |
Extensive Entropy Functionals and Non-ergodic Random Walks
2023 |
Girardin, Valérie |
Aggregated Tests Based on Supremal Divergence Estimators for Non-regular Statistical Models
2023 |
Baudry, Jean-Patrick |
KV Cohomology Group of Some KV Structures on R2
2023 |
Herguey, Mopeng |
Rethinking the Riemannian Logarithm on Flag Manifolds as an Orthogonal Alignment Problem
2023 |
Szwagier, Tom |