On the Effectiveness of Social Proof Recommendations in Markets with Multiple Products
2020 |
Auletta, Vincenzo |
Committee Selection with Multimodal Preferences
2020 |
Jain, Pallavi |
Gradual Guaranteed Coordination in Repeated Win-Lose Coordination Games
2020 |
Goranko, Valentin |
Maximal Information Propagation with Budgets
2020 |
Shi, Haomin |
An Experimental Study on the Behaviour of Fuzzy Quantification Models
2020 |
Cascallar-Fuentes, Andrea |
Neural Networks in Evolutionary Dynamic Constrained Optimization: Computational Cost and Benefits
2020 |
Hasani-Shoreh, Maryam |
Learning Variable Ordering Heuristics with Multi-Armed Bandits and Restarts
2020 |
Wattez, Hugues |
Robust Submodular Minimization with Applications to Cooperative Modeling
2020 |
Iyer, Rishabh |
New Randomized Strategies for the Color Coding Algorithm
2020 |
Pansart, Lucie |
Neighborhood-Based Pooling for Population-Level Label Distribution Learning
2020 |
Weerasooriya, Tharindu Cyril |
Interpretable & Time-Budget-Constrained Contextualization for Re-Ranking
2020 |
Hofstätter, Sebastian |
Dynamics in Abstract Argumentation Frameworks with Recursive Attack and Support Relations
2020 |
Alfano, Gianvincenzo |
Modelling Belief-Revision Functions at Extended Languages
2020 |
Aravanis, Theofanis |
Diagnosis of Temporal Faults in Discrete-Event Systems
2020 |
Bertoglio, Nicola |
Implementing Dynamic Answer Set Programming over Finite Traces
2020 |
Cabalar, Pedro |
Weighted LARS for Quantitative Stream Reasoning
2020 |
Eiter, Thomas |
On the Relation Between Claim-Augmented Argumentation Frameworks and Collective Attacks
2020 |
Dvorák, Wolfgang |
Macro Operator Synthesis for ADL Domains
2020 |
Hofmann, Till |
Strategic Monitor Placement Against Malicious Flows
2020 |
Auletta, Vincenzo |
Multiwinner Rules with Variable Number of Winners
2020 |
Faliszewski, Piotr |