Quantifying Degrees of Controllability in Temporal Networks with Uncertainty
2019 |
Akmal, Shyan |
Towards a Unified View of AI Planning and Reactive Synthesis
2019 |
Camacho, Alberto |
A Logical Semantics for PDDL +
2019 |
Batusov, Vitaliy |
Stochastic Planning with Lifted Symbolic Trajectory Optimization
2019 |
Cui, Hao |
Foundations for Restraining Bolts: Reinforcement Learning with LTLf/LDLFf Restraining Specifications
2019 |
Giacomo, Giuseppe De |
Lazy CBS: Implicit Conflict-Based Search Using Lazy Clause Generation
2019 |
Gange, Graeme |
Using Bi-Directional Information Exchange to Improve Decentralized Schedule-Driven Traffic Control
2019 |
Hu, Hsu-Chieh |
Oversubscription Planning as Classical Planning with Multiple Cost Functions
2019 |
Katz, Michael |
A Multi-Agent Framework to Solve Energy-Aware Unrelated Parallel Machine Scheduling Problems with Machine-Dependent Energy Consumption and Sequence-Dependent Setup Time
2019 |
Nicolò, Giancarlo |
Landmark-Enhanced Heuristics for Goal Recognition in Incomplete Domain Models
2019 |
Pereira, Ramon Fraga |
Robust Operations Management on Mars
2019 |
Saint-Guillain, Michael |
Subset-Saturated Cost Partitioning for Optimal Classical Planning
2019 |
Seipp, Jendrik |
Learning Scheduling Models from Event Data
2019 |
Senderovich, Arik |
A Theoretical and Algorithmic Analysis of Configurable MDPs
2019 |
Silva, Rui |
The Clustered Dial-a-Ride Problem
2019 |
Feitsch, Fabian |
Reinforcement Learning Based Querying in Camera Networks for Efficient Target Tracking
2019 |
Sharma, Anil |
Fast Feature Selection for Linear Value Function Approximation
2019 |
Behzadian, Bahram |
Size Independent Neural Transfer for RDDL Planning
2019 |
Garg, Sankalp |
POMDP-Based Candy Server: Lessons Learned from a Seven Day Demo
2019 |
Hoerger, Marcus |
Provable Indefinite-Horizon Real-Time Planning for Repetitive Tasks
2019 |
Islam, Fahad |