Processing trade and credit constraints
2023 |
Li, Jie |
On the determinants of the dynamic choice between mergers and tender offers
2023 |
Lukas, Elmar |
Firm-level media news, bank loans, and the role of institutional environments
2023 |
Jia, Zhehao |
The role of environmental, social, and governance rating on corporate debt structure
2023 |
Asimakopoulos, Panagiotis |
CEO reputation and shareholder voting
2023 |
David, Thomas |
Credit default swaps and corporate debt structure
2023 |
Chen, Yangyang |
Bank liquidity creation and religious observance : evidence from Ramadan fasting
2023 |
Raz, Arisyi F. |
The effects of labor choice on investment and output dynamics
2023 |
Jeon, Haejun |
Customer concentration and financing constraints
2023 |
Ni, Jian |
The dark side of asset redeployability through the lens of corporate employment decisions
2023 |
Anh-Tuan Le |
Windfalls? : costs and benefits of investment tax incentives due to financial constraints
2023 |
Orihara, Masanori |
Historical social capital and contemporary private investment choices
2023 |
Feng, Chen |
Investment sensitivity to lender default shocks
2023 |
Celil, Hursit S. |
Lean against the wind : the effect of policy uncertainty on a firm's corporate social responsibility strategy
2023 |
Peng, Daoju |
Technology centrality, bilateral knowledge spillovers and mergers and acquisitions
2023 |
Huang, Jingong |
Do younger CEOs really increase firm risk? : evidence from sudden CEO deaths
2023 |
Trabert, Sebastian |
Credit default swaps, the leverage effect, and cross-sectional predictability of equity and firm asset volatility
2023 |
Forte, Santiago |
Bondholder governance, takeover likelihood, and division of gains
2023 |
Akdoğu, Evrim |
Prosocial CEOs and the cost of debt : evidence from syndicated loan contracts
2023 |
Liu, Chunbo |
Wage gap and stock returns : do investors dislike pay inequality?
2023 |
Dittmann, Ingolf |