Digital Innovation and Transformation to Business Ecosystems
2020 |
Liu, Kecheng |
An Experimental Analysis of Tools for Ontology Evolution Management
2020 |
Santos, Jessica S. |
A Data-centered Usage Governance: Providing Life-long Protection to Data Exchanged in Virtual Enterprises
2020 |
Yuan, Jingya |
GDPR: What’s in a Year (and a Half)?
2020 |
Ferreira, Ana |
Design Thinking Use in Agile Software Projects: Software Developers’ Perception
2020 |
Canedo, Edna Dias |
Front End Application Security: Proposal for a New Approach
2020 |
Ribeiro, Renato Carauta |
A Model for Evaluating Requirements Elicitation Techniques in Software Development Projects
2020 |
Alflen, Naiara C. |
Netphishing: Network and Linguistic Analysis of Phishing Email Subject Lines
2020 |
Ferreira, Ana |
Blockchain-based Traceability Platforms as a Tool for Sustainability
2020 |
Cruz, António Miguel Rosado da |
The Use of De-identification Methods for Secure and Privacy-enhancing Big Data Analytics in Cloud Environments
2020 |
Bondel, Gloria |
Requirement Engineering and the Role of Design Thinking
2020 |
Husaria, Anas |
OntoExper-SPL: An Ontology for Software Product Line Experiments
2020 |
Vignando, Henrique |
A Semiotics-oriented Approach to Aid the Design of Ubiquitously Monitored Healthcare Systems
2020 |
Tehrani, Jasmine |
Capability Management in Resilient ICT Supply Chain Ecosystems
2020 |
Grabis, Jãnis |
Straight to the Point - Evaluating What Matters for You: A Comparative Study on Playability Heuristic Sets
2020 |
Manzoni, Felipe Sonntag |
Playing the Role of Co-designers on Mobile PWAs: An Investigation of End-Users Interaction
2020 |
Cardieri, Giulia de Andrade |
OpenDesign: Analyzing Deliberation and Rationale in an Exploratory Case Study
2020 |
Goncalves, Fabricio Matheus |
Management System for Regional Electronic Coupon
2020 |
Satoh, Hiroki |
Towards a Change Management Framework for Cloud Transitions: Findings from a Case Study at a German Machine Manufacturer
2020 |
Bondel, Gloria |
Conception and Analysis for New Social Networks in University Community
2020 |
Quimbita, Alan |