Basic design of beamlines and experimental areas at the JHF 50GeV-PS
1998 |
Tanaka, K. H. |
Measurement of KKL0->[Pi]0[NyNy] at BNL
1998 |
Kudenko, Y. G. |
Phase rotation beam at JHF
1998 |
Inagaki, T. |
New results from Super-Kamiokande
1998 |
Hill, J. |
JHF overview
1998 |
Nagamiya, S. |
Search for T-violation in K[My]3 decay
1998 |
Diwan, M. V. |
Observation of KL0-> ]Py}+[Py]-e+e- in KEK PS(E162)
1998 |
Taniguchi, T. |
Neutrino oscillation phenomenology
1998 |
Minakata, H. |
Double beta decay - physics beyond the standard model now, and in future (GENIUS)
1998 |
Klapdor-Kleingrothaus, H. V. |
BNL future plans
1998 |
Littenberg, L. |
JHF accelerator
1998 |
Mori, Y. |
Kaon and muon decay phenomenology
1998 |
Okada, Y. |
Future stopped K+-> [Pi]+[NyNy] experiment
1998 |
Macdonald, J. A. |
CP violation and rare kaon decays: Status of the KTeV experiments at Fermilab
1998 |
Tesarek, R. J. |
Rare muon decays at JHF
1998 |
Kuno, Y. |
Neutrino oscillation experiment K2K at KEK-PS (KEK E362)
1998 |
Ishida, T. |
Evidence of K+ -> [Pi]+ [NyNy]: the BNL E787 1995 result
1998 |
Chiang, I.-H. |
FNAL future plan
1998 |
Bock, G. |
T-violation in stopped K+->[Pi]0[My]+]Ny] decay at KEK
1998 |
Aoki, M. |
KL0 [Pi]0[NyNy] at FNAL (KTeV/KAMI)
1998 |
Arisaka, K. |