The last Jeraeil of Gippsland: Rediscovering an aboriginal ceremonial site
2020 |
Gibson, Jason M. |
Tribes and towns: What historians still get wrong about the Roanoke Ventures
2020 |
Oberg, Michael Leroy |
The living feather: Tonalli in Nahua featherwork production
2020 |
Caplan, Allison |
A dispute over patrimonial property in Huaquechula, Mexico: The Chimalhua case, 1738-1740
2020 |
Mysyk, Avis |
2018 presidential address: The trouble with "America"
2020 |
Restall, Matthew |
Indigenous slavery from out on the edge
2020 |
Van Deusen, Nancy E. |
Fantastic primeval beings and their roles in reconstructions of indigenous colonial cosmologies form the Eastern Andes of Colombia
2020 |
Patiño-Contreras, Alejandro |
Adaptive strategies during times of conflict and transformation: Copiapó Valley under the Spanish conquest in the sixteenth century
2020 |
Garrido, Francisco |
Ghosts of the haciendas: Memory, architecture, and the architecture of memory in the post-hacienda era of South Coastal Peru
2020 |
Weaver, Brendan J. M. |
Telling history in feathers: Plumes and power in Nahua narratives
2020 |
Sousa, Lisa |
"Coyote broke the dams": Power, reciprocity, and conflict in fish weir narratives and implications for traditional and contemporary fisheries
2020 |
Ritchie, Morgan |
Running for a nation: The remarkable story of Ellison "Tarzan" Brown
2020 |
Scott III, Mack H. |
Contested indigenous landscapes: Indian mounds and the political creation of the mythical "Mound Builder" race
2020 |
Timmerman, Nicholas A. |
2019 presidential address: Sameness and difference in ethnohistory
2020 |
Shoemaker, Nancy |
Military networks at the extremes of empire: The Che of Chile and the Puebloans of the United States
2020 |
Sauer, Jacob J. |
The disguise of the hummingbird: On the natural history of Huitzilopochtli in the Florentine codex
2020 |
Montero Sobrevilla, Iris |
The tecolotl and the Chiquatli: Omens of death and transspecies dialogues in the Aztec world
2020 |
García Garagarza, León |
The lives and deaths of caged birds: Transatlantic voyages of wild creatures from the Americas to Spain, 1740s-1790s
2020 |
Few, Martha |
A comparison of historical evidence for droughts in the pre-Columbian Maya codices with climatological evidence for droughts during the early and late classic periods
2020 |
Bricker, Harvey M. |
Introduction: Knowledge of birds and feathers in the ancient and colonial Mesoamerican world
2020 |
Sousa, Lisa |