Implementing EarSketch: Connecting Classroom Implementation to Student Outcomes
2019 |
McKlin, Tom |
Civic Engagement Across the Computing Curriculum
2019 |
Goadrich, Mark |
Exploring our Privilege: Activities and Discussions
2019 |
Parker, Miranda |
This is What Diversity Looks Like: Making CS Curriculum Culturally Relevant for Spanish-speaking Communities
2019 |
Carroll-Miranda, Joseph |
Static Analyses in Python Programming Courses
2019 |
Liu, David |
The Academic Enhancement Program: Assessing Programs Designed to Support Student Success
2019 |
Cukierman, Diana R. |
Evaluation of Peer Instruction for Cybersecurity Education
2019 |
Deshpande, Pranita |
From Midshipmen to Cyber Pros: Training Minority Naval Reserve Officer Training Corp Students for Cybersecurity
2019 |
Mack, Naja A. |
Automated Critique of Early Programming Antipatterns
2019 |
Ureel, Leo C. |
Accessible AST-Based Programming for Visually-Impaired Programmers
2019 |
Schanzer, Emmanuel |
Applying Machine Learning to Improve Curriculum Design
2019 |
Ball, Robert |
Computer Science Principles for Teachers of Blind and Visually Impaired Students
2019 |
Stefik, Andreas |
ACM Code of Ethics: Looking Back and Forging Ahead
2019 |
Wolf, Marty J. |
Punch Cards to Python: A Case Study of a CS0O Core Course
2019 |
Babbitt, Thomas |
CS0: Introducing Computing with Raspberry Pis
2019 |
Krupp, Brian |
One Size Fits All: Designing for Socialization in Physical Computing
2019 |
Anton, Gabriella |
Are You Game?: Assessing Students’ Perception of Learning, Instructors’ Perspective, and Learning Attitude
2019 |
Hosseini, Hadi |
WatDFS: A Project for Understanding Distributed Systems in the Undergraduate Curriculum
2019 |
Abebe, Michael |
Computer Organization and Design Course with FPGA Cloud
2019 |
Zhang, Ke |
You don’t have to be a white male that was learning how to program since he was five:” Computer Use and Interest From Childhood to a Computing Degree”
2019 |
Collain, Mathilde |