An Investigation into Evidence (Digital) Artefacts Resulting from the use of Cryptocurrency Applications
2020 |
Blenkin, Stephen |
An Ontology for the South African Protection of Personal Information Act
2020 |
Jafta, Y. |
Turning the Asymmetry Around: Tactical Principles of Warfare in the Cvber Domain
2020 |
Kiviharju, Mikko |
The Future Direction of Cybercrime and the Difficulties of Digital Investigations: A Rationale for a Review of Digital Investigation Specialist Education
2020 |
Mison, Angela |
Mobile Forensics: Beyond Traditional Sources of Digital Evidence
2020 |
Pieterse, Heloise |
Ransomware Attacks Against Critical Infrastructure
2020 |
Rege, Aunshul |
Cyber-Informed: Bridging Cybersecurity and Other Disciplines
2020 |
Sample, Char |
Cyber Security System of FPGA Platform for Wireless Sensor Networks
2020 |
Tulemissova, Gulfarida |
Assessment of the French and Dutch Perspectives on International Law and Cyber- and Operations
2020 |
Niekerk, Brett van |
Security of Systems on Chip
2020 |
Tumer, Eda |
Influence of Attack Vectors on Generic Artificial Intelligence —assisted Smart Building Feedback Loop System
2020 |
Vähäkainu, Petri |
Small Network Telescope for Advanced Security Monitoring
2020 |
Zeghache, Linda |
Vulnerabilities Analysis of Software Solutions for Critical Activity Sectors
2020 |
Zamfiroiu, Alin |
A Viewpoint on Management Practices for Cybersecurity in Industry 4.0 Environment
2020 |
Zia, Najam Ul |
A Change Management Perspective to Implementing a Cyber Security Culture
2020 |
Ramluckan, Trishana |
Enabling Rapid Response and Service Restoration with Machine Learning Techniques
2020 |
Lopes, Andre |
OS Kernel Malware Detection through Data- Characterization of Memory Analysis
2020 |
Har, Harmi Armira Mohamad |
Artificial Intelligence in Megaprojects: The Next Frontier
2020 |
Greiman, Virginia A. |
Online Fraud & Money Laundry in E-Commerce
2020 |
Alsaibai, Hasan |
Detecting a Rogue Switch using Network Automation
2020 |
Bhuse, Vijay |