The continuance commitment of family firm CEOs
2023 |
Gottschalck, Nicole |
Entrepreneurship in family firms : what's next? : multilevel embeddedness and individuals' cognition
2023 |
Aldrich, Howard E. |
The role of trust in family business stakeholder relationships : a systematic literature review
2023 |
Deferne, Marie |
Contradiction and disaggregation for family firm research
2023 |
Le Breton-Miller, Isabelle |
Why is diversification not dead? : evidence from family business groups during economic reforms in India
2023 |
Khatua, Apalak |
The enterpriseness of business families : conceptualization, scale development and validation
2023 |
Frank, Hermann |
Family businesses and debt maturity structure : focusing on family involvement in governance to explain heterogeneity
2023 |
Ginesti, Gianluca |
Bringing context to the foreground : Explaining the early-stage career development of next-generation family business members
2023 |
Mukesh, Hasirumane Venkatesh |
A safe haven in times of crisis : the appeal of family companies as employers amid the COVID-19 pandemic
2023 |
Jaufenthaler, Philipp |
Playing the wild cards : antecedents of family firm resilience
2023 |
Czakon, Wojciech |
Identity leadership in family businesses : the important role of nonfamily leaders
2023 |
Boberg, Pauline S. |
The influence of familiness on decision-making quality in top management teams : the role of emotional dissonance and perceived team support
2023 |
Hoekx, Laura |
Theoretical and empirical differences between the interlocked boards of family and non-family firms
2023 |
Caiazza, Rosa |
Leaving the family business : the dynamics of psychological ownership
2023 |
Brundin, Ethel |
Innovation and internationalisation during times of economic growth, crisis, and recovery prior to Covid-19 : a configurational approach comparing Spanish manufacturing family and non-family firms
2023 |
Tragant Espeche, José Francisco |
Corporate social performance of family firms and shareholder protection : an international analysis
2023 |
Rehman, Atiqa |
Family agents
2023 |
D'Angelo, Valentino |
Family-related goals, entrepreneurial investment behavior, and governance mechanisms of single family offices : an exploratory study
2023 |
Schickinger, Antonia |
Family firms and the labor productivity controversy : a distributional analysis of varying labor productivity gaps
2023 |
Creemers, Sarah |
Exploring different configurations of entrepreneurial orientation in small artisan family firms : a multi-case study
2023 |
Dessì, Cinzia |