Telecom wavelength InP-based L3 photonic crystal cavities: Properties of the cavity ground mode
2020 |
Rickert, Lucas |
On investigation as grown NV centers in delta doped layers in diamond
2020 |
Bolshedvorskii, Stepan |
Chaotic and regular dynamics in the three-site Bose-Hubbard model
2020 |
Bychek, Anna A. |
Continuous variable teleportation protocol for split-squeezed Bose Einstein condensates
2020 |
Chaudhary, Manish |
Magnetic coil design for two dimensional magneto optical trap to realization of efficient quantum memory
2020 |
Chauhan, Vikas Singh |
Analog Ising chain simulation with transmons
2020 |
Egorova, Elena |
Quantum analog of bifurcation and switching effects in a nonlinear Josephson oscillator
2020 |
Pashin, Dmitrii |
Extraordinary phonon transmission through hidden lattice-wave nanochannels as resonance quantum phonon tunneling
2020 |
Kosevich, Yu. A. |
OVNA-measured coherence in erbium doped Y2SiO5 and LiYF4 crystals at sub-Kelvin temperatures
2020 |
Kukharchyk, Nadezhda |
On training a classifier of hitting times for quantum walks
2020 |
Melnikov, Alexey A. |
Towards quantum internet and non-local communication in position-based qubits
2020 |
Pomorski, Krzysztof |
Interaction and entanglement of non-classical electromagnetic fields with 3-level model atom
2020 |
Popolitova, Daria V. |
Universal implementation of arbitrary unitary matrices by femtosecond laser written waveguide lattice
2020 |
Skryabin, N. N. |
Solvable model of phase-switching quantum feedback
2020 |
Tomilin, Vladimir |
Ultra-stable silicon cavities for fundamental researches and applications
2020 |
Vishnyakova, G. A. |
The single-mode and two-mode squeezed light generated in ring microresonators: Theoretical limitations and experimental possibilities
2020 |
Balybin, Stepan |
Adiabatic quantum computation with spin ensembles
2020 |
Us, Naeimeh Mohseni, Marek Narozniak, Alexey N. Pyrkov, Valentin Ivannikov, Jonathan P. Dowling, Tim Byrnes |
An observable based approach to evaluating quantum coherence
2020 |
Mandal, Suman |
SPHINCS+ post-quantum digital signature scheme with Streebog hash function
2020 |
Kiktenko, E. O. |
Midgap edge states in polaritonic graphene with zero average mangetic field
2020 |
Krivosenko, Yury |