Bank loans and bond prices
2023 |
Weston, James P. |
Do tax incentives affect investment quality?
2023 |
Eichfelder, Sebastian |
The world cup in football and the US IPO market
2023 |
Fjesme, Sturla Lyngnes |
Secured and unsecured debt in creditor-friendly bankruptcy
2023 |
François, Pascal |
The signaling role of trade credit : evidence from a counterfactual analysis
2023 |
Arca, Pasqualina |
Tone emphasis and insider trading
2023 |
Cheng, Lin |
A shot in the arm : economic support packages and firm performance during COVID-19
2023 |
Igan, Deniz |
Financing constraints and share pledges : evidence from the share pledge reform in China
2023 |
Shi, Yang |
Employee approval of CEOs and firm value : evidence from employees' choice awards
2023 |
Barnes, Spencer |
Asymmetric response to earnings news across different sentiment states : the role of cognitive dissonance
2023 |
Li, Zhuo |
Regional redistribution through SBA guaranteed loan programs
2023 |
Lee, Churn Ken |
Gender bias, board diversity, and firm value : evidence from a natural experiment
2023 |
Lawrence, Edward R. |
Predicting success in entrepreneurial finance research
2023 |
Yimfor, Emmanuel |
Benchmarking private equity : the direct alpha method
2023 |
Gredil, Oleg R. |
Decomposing value gains : the case of the best leveraged buy-out ever
2023 |
Austin, Neroli |
Do corporate lawyers matter? : evidence from patents
2023 |
Andriosopoulos, Dimitris |
CEO network centrality and bank risk : evidence from US Bank holding companies
2023 |
Fan, Yaoyao |
Pandemics and financial development : a lesson from the 1918 influenza pandemic
2023 |
Hou, Wenxuan |
Pricing of project finance bonds : a comparative analysis of primary market spreads
2023 |
Guedes, Sebastião S. |
Natural disasters and firm leasing : a collateral channel
2023 |
Wang, Jiawei |