Galileo System Status and Challenges Ahead
2020 |
Falcone, Marco |
Time and Frequency Laboratory Activities at RISE
2020 |
Rieck, Carsten |
PTB’s Time and Frequency Services 2018 — 2019
2020 |
Piester, Dirk |
Industrial "5G" Telecom Infrastructure Time and Frequency Referense
2020 |
Billebault, Jean-Charles |
Using Broadcast Time Offsets for Multi-Constellation Users in Harsh Environments
2020 |
Melman, Floor Thomas |
Detection and Identification of Phase and Frequency Drifts in Clock Ensembles
2020 |
Trainotti, Christian |
Reliable and Robust Real-time Time Scale Generation: Developments and Experimental Results at INRiM
2020 |
Formichella, V. |
Atomic Timekeeping as a Hobby
2020 |
Baak, Tom Van |
Suitability of Network Time Protocol (NTP) for Time Dissemination
2020 |
Sommars, Steven |
Carrier Phase Based Time and Frequency Dissemination in Satellite-ground Link
2020 |
Liang, H. J. |
Analysis of the Long-term Stability of a Homogenous Cesium Standard Ensemble for Future System Time Generation
2020 |
Blümel, Ludwig |
Extensive Cosmic Showers Detection: Metrological Characterization and Optimization of the EEE Timing System
2020 |
Cerretto, G. |
The GIANO Project: Development of a Galileo-Based Timing Receiver for J Increasing Critical Infrastructures Resilience
2020 |
Catalano, Valeria |
Latest Improvements at INRIM Time Laboratory
2020 |
Bertacco, E. K. |
Alternative Spectral Window for Precise Time Fibre Based Transport Slapak
2020 |
Vojtech, Josef |
Timing Accuracy Test of Non-GPS-Based Positioning System at White Sands Missile Range
2020 |
Black, Christopher |
Common Calendar Timestamp System
2020 |
Harris, Brooks |
Resilient Timekeeping for Critical Infrastructure
2020 |
Fischer, John |
A New Approach to Improve Satellite Clock Estimates, Removing the Inter-day Jumps
2020 |
Juan, Jose Miguel |
A Master/Slave "Ensembling" Procedure for Satellite-Svetem Timekeeping
2020 |
Camparo, James |