Caratteristiche e sviluppi della sintassi persiana |
2023 |
nuova serie, volume 96, Fasc. 1 |
Investigating the silences of muslim medieval and early modern written sources |
2022 |
nuova serie, volume 95, Fasc. 4 |
De-centering dominant narratives in India: alternative perceptions of history and development |
2018 |
nuova serie, volume 91, supplemento no 2 |
Dialectics of Buddhist metaphysics in East Asia : Tibet and Japan: an inedited comparsion : proceedings of an interdisciplinary workshop held at Sapienza University of Rome |
2018 |
nuova serie, volume 91, supplemento no 1 |
Palaeography between East & West : proceedings of the seminars on Arabic palaeography at Sapienza University of Rome |
2018 |
nuova serie, volume 90, supplemento no 1 |
Oral history of China studies in Italy |
2018 |
nuova serie, volume 90, supplemento no 2 |
Studies in honour of Luciano Petech : a commemoration volume, 1914-2014 |
2016 |
nuova serie, volume 89, supplemento no 1 |
Proceedings of the Meeting of the Italian Association of Sanscrit Studies : (Bologna 27-28 March 2015) |
2016 |
nuova serie, volume 89, supplemento no 2 |
The human person and nature in classical and modern India |
2015 |
nuova serie, volume 88, supplemento no 2 |
Simposio e banchetto nella Mesopotamia del Protodinastico |
2015 |
nuova serie, volume 88, supplemento no 1 |
The study of South Asia between antiquity and modernity, parallels and comparisons ; Coffee break conference 2 [Sapienza University of Rome , 8 - 10 September 2011] |
2014 |
N.S. 87.2014, Suppl. 2 |
Desire, pleasure and the taboo: new voices and freedom of expression in contemporary arabic literature |
2014 |
N.S. 87.2014, Suppl. 1 |
Approaching rituals in ancient cultures : questioni di rito ; rituali come fonte di conoscenza delle religioni e delle concezioni del mondo nelle culture antiche ; proceedings of the conference, November 28 - 30, 2011, Roma |
2013 |
N.S. 86.2013, Suppl. 2 |
La struttura amministrativa del mar-sa nella documentazione della III dinastia di Ur |
2013 |
N.S. 86.2013, Suppl. 1 |
Tibetan art between past and present : studies dedicated to Luciano Petech ; proceedings of the Conference held in Rome on the 3rd November 2010 |
2012 |
N.S. 84.2011, Suppl. 1 |
Harvest texts in the British Museum |
2011 |
N.S. 82.2009, Suppl. 1 |
Harvest texts in the British Museum |
2011 |
N.S. = 82,1, Suppl.1 |
Descendants of the family of the prophet in contemporary history : a case study, the šīʿī religious establishment of al-Nağaf (Iraq) |
2011 |
N.S. 83.2010, Suppl. 1 |
Kitāb al-ʾadwiya al-mufrada : di ʾAbū Ǧa'far ʾAḥmad B. Muḥammad B. ʾAḥmad B. Sayyid al-Ġāfiqī ; (XII sec.) ; edizione del capitolo ʾAlif con indici e aparato critico in nota |
20092010 |
N.S. 81.2008, Suppl. 1 |
Kitab al-'adwiya Al-Mufrada : Di'Abu Ga'far'Ahman b. Muhammad b. 'Ahmad b. Sayyd Al-Gafiqi (XII sec.) ; edizione del capitolo 'Alif |
2009 |
81.2009, Suppl. 1 |