Non-State actors, terrorism, and the war paradigm revisited
2023 |
Cantey, Seth |
The paradox of discrimination
2023 |
Ohlin, Jens David |
National security policymaking in the shadow of international law
2023 |
Dickinson, Laura A. |
From armed conflict to countering threat networks : counterterrorism and social network analysis
2023 |
Huntley, Todd |
Counting the ripples : the challenge of extraterritorial jurisdiction to prosecute non-state actors
2023 |
Seamone, Evan R. |
Ratchet down or ramp up? Contemporay threats, armed conflict, and tailorde authority
2023 |
Corn, Geoffrey S. |
Toward principled contextualism in responding to organized non-state violence
2023 |
Ohlin, Jens David |
The limits of law and the value of rights in addressing terrorism : a study of the UN counterterrorism achitecture
2023 |
Ní Aoláin, Fionnuala |
Fighting state actors with the tools of hybridized warfare : can the law of armed conflict be saved?
2023 |
Finkelstein, Claire Oakes |
Human Rights law as an alternative to jus in bello
2023 |
Fuller, Christopher J. |
Emerging transnational self-defense norms and unrealized liberal values
2023 |
Dehn, John C. |
Fighting terrorism under all applicable law
2023 |
Andresen, Joshua |
When conflict recurs : classifivation of conflict when hostilities break out anew
2023 |
Blank, Laurie R. |
Urban warfare : policing conflict
2023 |
Watkin, Kenneth |
Using law as a weapon against nuvlear prolifereation and terrorism : the US government's financial lawfare against Iran
2023 |
Kittrie, Orde F. |
Finding peace in the law of war
2023 |
Brown, Bailey |
Diversifying the sources of evidence in terrorism cases before criminal courts in (post-)conflict and high-risk situations : the role of the military
2023 |
Ginkel, Bibi van |
US military prosecutions during non-international armed conflict
2023 |
Jenks, Chris |