The biology high school textbook’s errors
2021 |
Sunarmi |
Schematic representation: Solving TIMSS problems in algebra content
2021 |
Susiswo |
Analysis of student errors in solving linear programming problems based on Newman’s procedures in terms of writing mathematical communication capabilities
2021 |
Sukoriyanto, Sukoriyanto |
Designing slow learners’ metacognition activities through communication skills based on multiple intelligence
2021 |
Santoso, Hajar Ahmad |
Students’ thinking process in solving two variables linear equation system problem based on systemic and intuitive cognitive style
2021 |
Subanji |
Junior high school student comprehension based on application of contingent and non-contingent scaffolding in Malang
2021 |
Choirurijal, Lukman |
Proactive interference of seventh grade students in solving problems of the greatest common divisor
2021 |
Lestari, Ana Puji |
The strategies and errors of high school students’ in solving logarithmic inequalities
2021 |
Musafir, Raggasyi Rahmatullah |
The implementation of the Treffinger model in mathematics learning
2021 |
Zulkarnaen, Iskandar |
Statistical reasoning ability analysis observed from 4MAT learning style system
2021 |
Yanti, Aning Wida |
Building student critical thinking skills through the peer assessment learning model in calculus materials with the open-ended approach
2021 |
Permadi, Hendro |
Analysis of high school students’ skills in solving science problems in the environment
2021 |
Suroso, Joko |
Using the SE learning cycle with formative e-assessment to enhancement students’ concept
2021 |
Priyadi, Rian |
Are pre-service teachers’ still having misconceptions? study in static fluid topic
2021 |
Priyadi, Rian |
The impact of learning with the video conceptual understanding coach toward student conceptual understanding force concept
2021 |
Putri, Hellmy Nur Pratama Annuari |
Student’s science literacy about Covid-19
2021 |
Setiawan, A. M. |
Scientific reasoning profile of pre-service elementary teachers
2021 |
Setiyawati, Enik |
Science learning tools with cooperative models of teams games tournament to improve students learning outcomes in primary schools
2021 |
Oktarianto, M. Luthfi |
Utilization of banana peels extracts in the synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles
2021 |
Fernanda, Olvi Dyah |
Study of water release that is absorbed by super absorbent polymer in disposable baby diapers
2021 |
Nailah, Fadlilatin |