Modeling of the earth's crust and upper mantle beneath central part of Java Island using receiver function data
2020 |
Amukti, Rian |
Beyond computational thinking: Investigating CT roles in the 21st century skill efficacy
2020 |
Amri, S. |
Empowering higher-order thinking through project-based learning: A conceptual framework
2020 |
Billah, Arif |
On the properties of anti fuzzy graph magic labeling
2020 |
Brata, Adika Setia |
The development of prototype context-aware smart home to facilitate the learning of smart green building: Literature review
2020 |
Chaizara, Rezza Fariszal Hisyam |
A comparative study on mathematics teaching and learning in teacher professional education programs: Understanding students' mathematical concepts in zoning school
2020 |
Chrisnawati, Henny Ekana |
On the properties of bipolar anti fuzzy graph magic labeling
2020 |
Firmansa, Ilman |
Undergraduate students' science process skills: A systematic review
2020 |
Fugarasti, Henta |
Why the need for private tuition in mathematics? Investigating shadow education in Brunei Darussalam
2020 |
Gan, Ai Len |
Lesson learnt of the lesson study for learning community as the learning innovation in the 21st century for student
2020 |
Haerullab, Ade |
Development mathematics model production planning of urea fertilizer to minimize production cost with mixed integer linear programming (MILP)
2020 |
Hakim, Inaki Maulida |
Development of macro VBA as a TPACK based-physics learning media to improve critical thinking skills
2020 |
Imi, Alqaan Maqbullah |
Plant taxonomy learning and research: A systematics review
2020 |
Kusumawardani, Wahyu |
Dynamic assessment to improve students' cognitive: A systematic review
2020 |
Mahmud, Afrizal |
Bacteriological contamination due to onsite sanitation problems in Sumbawa
2020 |
Mardhia, Dwi |
Teachers' awareness, understanding and challenges regarding the PISA implementation
2020 |
Mohamed, Dk Sri Muliaty Pg Hj |
Blended learning in high school chemistry to enhance students' metacognitive skills and attitudes towards chemistry: A need analysis
2020 |
Nababan, Kartyka |
Credit scoring to classify consumer loan using machine learning
2020 |
Natasha, Azaria |
A comparison of some link functions for binomial regression models with application to school drop-out rates in East Java
2020 |
Prasetyo, Rindang Bangun |
On the run-length of the structural change in time series data
2020 |
Prihartanti, Wiwik |