Digitales Marketing : integrierte Erfolgsmessung : wie der strategische Einsatz von Digital-Analytics-Instrumenten gelingt
2023 |
Tombach, Alexander |
How traditional manufacturers succeed in D2D : a strategic framework for assortment and pricing to solve channel conflicts
2023 |
Götsch, Constantin |
Digital Humans : Zukunft der Konsumenten-Interaktion?!
2023 |
Weigel, Christian |
Optimierung der Kundenbeziehung : eine Analyse viraler B-to-C-Marketingkampagnen im Online- und Offline-Handel
2023 |
Ampler, Nadine |
Building a minimum viable brand : best practice for startups
2023 |
Walter, Simon |
New mobility in everyday life : perspectives from 20 households examined over four months
2023 |
Linke, Jannis |
How urban society can benefit from inclusive mobility
2023 |
Lang, Nikolaus S. |
Who would subscribe for a car? : the influence of car ownership, environmental consciousness, age, and place of living
2023 |
Greifenstein, Marvin |
Fünf These zum Thema Branding : zugespitzt
2023 |
Rutschmann, Marc |
Social Media Influencers in virtual selling tools? : how do consumers perceive the influencer's role in fashion hauls on Instagram, and how do these perceptions affect purchase intentions?
2023 |
Mahn, Luisa |
Data and Creativity : Editorial
2023 |
Schögel, Marcus |
How and when to communicate sustainability
2023 |
Brinbaum, Mélanie |
Die grüne Schweizer KonsumentIn
2023 |
Gisler, Julia |
Sustainable consumption communities : relevance and acceptance
2023 |
Mann, Andreas |
The data creativity nexus : shaping the future of marketing in the age of artificial intelligence
2023 |
Hoffmann, Alexander |
Generative AI tools in customer service : beyond the hype of "prompt engineering"
2023 |
Deecke, Thedda |
Testing social media advertising effectiveness : with multi-method user experience research
2023 |
Ahnfeld, Tobias |
Drivers of sustainable consumption : life satisfaction and the concreteness of sustainable product attributes in advertising
2023 |
Martin, Béatrice |
Auf Taten müssen Worte folgen
2023 |
Baertschi, Christian |
Innovative In-Store-Technologie : Nützlichkeit und Wirkung aus Kundensicht
2023 |
Fränzel, Nils |