The Need for Context in Software Engineering
2020 |
Murphy, Gail |
Guarded Deep Learning using Scenario-based Modeling
2020 |
Katz, Guy |
Development of Health Software using Behaviour Driven Development - BDD
2020 |
Anjum, Mohammad Z. |
Towards Abstract Test Execution in Early Stages of Model-driven Software Development
2020 |
Hagemann, Noël |
Verifying OCL Operational Contracts via SMT-based Synthesising
2020 |
Wu, Hao |
Domain-specific Language and Tools for Strategic Domain-driven Design, Context Mapping and Bounded Context Modeling
2020 |
Kapferer, Stefan |
Correctness of an ATL Model Transformation from SysML State Machine Diagrams to Promela
2020 |
Caltais, Georgiana |
A Generic Projectional Editor for EMF Models
2020 |
Schröpfer, Johannes |
Defining Referential Integrity Constraints in Graph-oriented Datastores
2020 |
Masson, Thibaud |
Towards Metrics for Analyzing System Architectures Modeled with EAST-ADL
2020 |
Etzel, Christoph |
Towards a Generalized Queuing Network Model for Self-adaptive Software Systems
2020 |
Arcelli, Davide |
Conceptual Models as Ontological Contracts
2020 |
Guizzardi, Giancarlo |
About Synergies between Model-based Engineering and Artificial Intelligence
2020 |
Gérard, Sébastien |
Improving Multi-domain Stakeholder Communication of Embedded Safety-critical Development using Agile Practices: Expert Review
2020 |
Demissie, Surafel |
High-level Partitioning and Design Space Exploration for Cyber Physical Systems
2020 |
Genius, Daniela |
Automatic Verification of Behavior of UML Requirements Specifications using Model Checking
2020 |
Matsuura, Saeko |
Resilient BPMN: Robust Process Modeling in Unreliable Communication Environments
2020 |
Nordemann, Frank |
Towards Model Transformation from a CBM Model to CEP Rules to Support Predictive Maintenance
2020 |
Sarazin, Alexandre |
A Methodological Assistant for Use Case Diagrams
2020 |
Aquino, Erika Rizzo |
A Technique for Automata-based Verification with Residual Reasoning
2020 |
Azzopardi, Shaun |