Critical El Paso Force Main with High Consequence of Failure Undergoes Multi-Faceted Condition Assessment
2020 |
Schaaf, George |
DeKalb County: A Large Utility Gaining Efficiencies to Accurately Rehab Assets in a Timely Fashion
2020 |
Eastall, Darren |
Predicting Condition of Sanitary Sewer Pipes with Gradient Boosting Tree
2020 |
Mohammadi, Mohammadrza Malek |
Forecasting Pipeline Construction Costs Using Time Series Methods
2020 |
Kim, Sooin |
Line Stopping the City of Houston’s Large Diameter Transmission Line for Valve Replacement
2020 |
Hernandez, Eric I. |
Making the Flexible Pipe “Solid”: Achieving a Quality Flexible Pipe Installation
2020 |
Stephens, Benjamin E. |
Managing Risk through Contractor Selection: A Case Study
2020 |
Veach, Coy |
DigIndy Tunnel System Collection Consolidation Sewer Construction Update
2020 |
Maynard, Nick J. |
Positive Unintended Consequences: How Campbell Lake Gravity Sewer Pipeline Line Survived a Magnitude 7.1 Earthquake
2020 |
Persinger, David |
Case Study: Repurposing an Abandoned 3.2 Mile 66-Inch RCP Gravity Sewer as a New Force Main
2020 |
Scott-Roberts, Sandy |
A Framework for Evaluation of Social Costs of Open-Cut Pipeline Replacement for Sanitary Sewers
2020 |
Kaushal, Vinayak |
Performing a Reliability Centered Maintenance Workshop on the World’s Largest Prestressed Concrete Pipes T
2020 |
Geisbush, Jim |
VOC Mitigation Device fo CIPP Exhaust
2020 |
Howell, Jason |
Has This Been Tried Before? Using Trenchless Technology in a Revolutionary Sewer Tunnel Rehabilitation
2020 |
Parks, Has Randall |
Sliplining 120-Inch RCP Wastewater in Dallas: Part 2
2020 |
Paris, Marty S. |
Trenchless Structural Rehabilitation of Non-Circular Pipe in Congested Utility Corridor of Commercial Business District
2020 |
Krogness, Carl |
“Underground, under Where?” How Many Communities Are Turning to Trenchless Applications to Solve Their Challenges
2020 |
Swartz, Jason T. |
Deep Tunnel Hydraulic Optimization and Stakeholder Coordination: Pleasant Run Deep Tunnel SYS
2020 |
Lewis, Maceo R. IV |
Crossing the Red: Managing Construction Changes on a Challenging 1200 mm Microtunnelling River Crossing in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
2020 |
Braun, Adam |
Risks and Rewards in Completing a Design/Build Tunneling Project
2020 |
Ramirez, Michael |