Outside the opt-out : legal consequences of the UK's withdrawal from the EU for external action in the AFSJ
2021 |
García Andrade, Paula |
Post-Brexit participation of the UK in EU foreign, security and defence policy
2021 |
Wessel, Ramses A. |
EU withdrawal law after Brexit : the emergence of a unique legal procedure
2021 |
Polak, Polly Ruth |
Come fly with me? : Brexit and air transport
2021 |
Douma, Wybe Th. |
Copy-pasting or negotiating? : post-Brexit trade agreements between the UK and non-EU countries
2021 |
Łazowski, Adam |
Brexit and its implications for the EU and the UN Security Council
2021 |
Wouters, Jan |
Brexit and international legal sovereignty
2021 |
Odermatt, Jed |
In the twilight zone : the transition period in the Withdrawal Agreement
2021 |
Lock, Tobias |
Parliamentary involvement in the negotiations on the EU-UK trade agreement
2021 |
Cygan, Adam Jan |
Managing Brexit : trade agreements binding on the UK pursuant to its EU membership
2021 |
Koutrakos, Panos |
EU-UK relations at the WTO : towards constructive creative competition
2021 |
Messenger, Gregory |
UK sanctions policy after Brexit : from dependence to autonomy
2021 |
Poli, Sara |
Brexit and EU agencies : opting-in from the outside?
2021 |
Ott, Andrea |
Disentangling the UK from EU evironmental agreements after Brexit : the challenges posed by mixed agreements and soft law
2021 |
Fajardo, Teresa |
The future of judicial cooperation in criminal matters between the EU and the UK
2021 |
Brière, Chloé |
The implications of Brexit and UK external relations : an introduction
2021 |
Santos Vara, Juan |
Towards the formulation of the 'Brussels criteria' : the values and principles underlying EU withdrawal and their application in future contexts
2021 |
Tatham, Allan F. |
EU diplomacy after Brexit
2021 |
Gatti, Mauro |
Brexit and fisheries : international law issues, participation in RFMOs, reciprocal access and the future
2021 |
Castillo de la Torre, Fernando |
EU sanctions policy and alignment of third countries : relevant experiences for the UK?
2021 |
Szép, Viktor |