Clergy and the IV Lateran
2017 |
Barrow, Julia |
La condanna del libellus trinitario di Gioacchino da Fiore : oggetto, ragioni, esiti
2017 |
Potestà, Gian Luca |
Ut sit unum ovile et unus pastor : The Fourth Lateran Council and the Variety of Eastern Christianity
2017 |
Burkhardt, Stefan |
Lateran IV and Preaching
2017 |
Bériou, Nicole |
Lateran Council IV and the cura Judaeorum
2017 |
Goering, Joseph Ward |
Crusade, Reconquest and the Muslims : The Islamic World at the Fourth Lateran Council
2017 |
Jaspert, Nikolas |
Crusade, reconquest and the Muslims : the Islamic World at the fourth Lateran Council
2017 |
Jaspert, Nikolas |
2017 |
Melville, Gert |
Das Nachleben des IV. Lateran-Konzils
2017 |
Brandmüller, Walter |
The Fourth Lateran Council : Its Fundamentals, Its Procedure in Comparative Perspective
2017 |
Helmrath, Johannes |
The Fourth Lateran Council : Its Legislation, and the Development of Legal Procedure
2017 |
Pennington, Kenneth |
La pastorale de la pénitence du IVe concile du Latran : relecture des canons 21, 60 et 62
2017 |
Vincent, Catherine |
The Albigensian Crusade, the Dominicans and the Antiheretical Dispositions of the Council
2017 |
Feuchter, Jörg |
...regulam et institutionem accipiat de religionibus approbatis : Kritische Bemerkungen zur Begrifflichkeit im Kanon 13 des 4. Laterankonzils
2017 |
Melville, Gert |
Il concilio dopo il concilio : Gli interventi normativi nella vita religiosa fino al pontificato di Gregorio IX
2017 |
Alberzoni, Maria Pia |
Cronaca di un «sisma» : Le religiones novae al vaglio del II Concilio di Lione (1274)
2017 |
Piatti, Pierantonio |
Firmiter credimus - Die erste dogmatische Konstitution des IV. Lateranum : Bemerkungen zu Genese und Inhalt
2017 |
Maleczek, Werner |
The Fourth Lateran Council : A Turning Point in Medieval Ecclesiology?
2017 |
Prügl, Thomas |
Il male : Un dibattito con ripercussioni metafisiche, nel Lateranense IV
2017 |
Saranyana, Josep-Ignasi |
Some Difficulties in Forming Persecuting Societies before Lateran IV Canon 8 : Robert of Courson thinks about Communities & Inquisitions
2017 |
Sabapathy, John |