Preparation of (Pb, La)TiO3-PbTiO3 Thin Films with Superlattice Structure
1987 |
ADACHI, Hideaki |
Properties of Glass-added Barium Titanate Based Ceramics Fired in a Reducing Atmosphere
1987 |
KISHI, Hiroshi |
A Lead Perovskite Y5SU Dielectric for Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor
1987 |
Piezoelectric Anisotropy in Lead Titanate System Ceramics
1987 |
TASHIRO, Shinjiro |
Electrical Properties and Microstructure of Ca Modified PbTiO3 Ceramics
1987 |
YAMAMOTO, Takashi |
Pyroelectric and Dielectric Properties of Rhombohedral Pb(Zri -,Ti)O3 Ceramics
1987 |
ADACHI, Masatoshi |
Reversal of Spontaneous Polarization Direction in Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal with Temperature
1987 |
NAKAO, Kenji |
Polarization Reversal in Several Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals
1987 |
ISHIBASHI, Yoshihiro |
Electrical and Optical Properties of Fluorinated Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal
1987 |
Electric-Field Dependence of Permittivity for PLZT Ceramics
1987 |
NAGATA, Kunihiro |
Elastic Anomaly of the Tetragonal PLZT
1987 |
SASAKI, Yukihiko |
Acoustic Emission in Piezoelectric/ Electrostrictive Actuators
1987 |
UCHINO, Ken]i |
Pulse Mode Operation for Piezoelectric Ceramic Actuator
1987 |
TAKAHASHI, Sadayuki |
On the Responsibility of Piezoelectric Actuator
1987 |
FU, Hiromitsu |
Ceramic Green Sheet Puncher Using Multilayer Piezoelectric Actuator
1987 |
YOSHIDA, Kiminori |
Monomorph Characteristics of Semiconductive Piezoceramics
1987 |
UCHINO, Kenji |
Effects of the Adhesive Layer on a Composite-Bar Resonator
1987 |
SASAKI, Yukihiko |
A Unidirectional SAW Transducer with Different Finger Pairs between Sending and Reflecting Electrodes
1987 |
Effect of Li/Nb Ratio on the SAW Velocity of 128°Y-X LiNbO3 Wafers
1987 |
YAMADA, Kazuhiro |
Energetic Oxygen Atoms in RF Sputtering of ZNO
1987 |