Lexical Networks and Lexicon Profiles in Didactical Texts for Science Education
2020 |
Koponen, Ismo T. |
Graph-Based Fraud Detection with the Free Energy Distance
2020 |
Courtain, Sylvain |
Visualizing Structural Balance in Signed Networks
2020 |
Galimberti, Edoardo |
Gender’s Influence on Academic Collaboration in a University-Wide Network
2020 |
McNichols, Logan |
Investigating Saturation in Collaboration and Cohesiveness of Wikipedia Using Motifs Analysis
2020 |
Chandra, Anita |
ESA-T2N: A Novel Approach to Network-Text Analysis
2020 |
Taskin, Yassin |
Attributed Graph Pattern Set Selection Under a Distance Contraint
2020 |
Soldano, Henry |
Establish the Expected Number of Injective Motifs on Unlabeled Graphs Through Analytical Models
2020 |
Martorana, Emanuele |
'I Ain’t Like You' A Complex Network Model of Digital Narcissism
2020 |
Jabeen, Fakhra |
Text Sentiment in the Age of Enlightenment
2020 |
Koncar, Philipp |
Friendship Formation in the Classroom Among Elementary School Students
2020 |
Duarte-Barahona, Raúl |
A Network-Based Analysis of International Refugee Migration Patterns Using GERGMs
2020 |
Abramski, Katherine |
Social Network Analysis of Sicilian Mafia Interconnections
2020 |
Ficara, Annamaria |
Enumerating Isolated Cliques in Temporal Networks
2020 |
Molter, Hendrik |
Network Shapley-Shubik Power Index: Measuring Indirect Influence in Shareholding Networks
2020 |
Mizuno, Takayuki |
"Learning Hubs" on the Global Innovation Network
2020 |
Verba, Michael A. |
Global Transitioning Towards a Green Economy: Analyzing the Evolution of the Green Product Space of the Two Largest World Economies
2020 |
Talebzadehhosseini, Seyyedmilad |
Comparison of Opinion Polarization on Single-Layer and Multiplex Networks
2020 |
Kimura, Sonoko |
Learning of Weighted Multi-layer Networks via Dynamic Social Spaces, with Application to Financial Interbank Transactions
2020 |
Carmona, Chris U. |
Networks of Function and Shared Ancestry Provide Insights into Diversification of Histone Fold Domain in the Plant Kingdom
2020 |
Kumar, Amish |