Kaibara Ekken's Precepts on the Family
1999 |
Tucker, Mary Evelyn |
The Shingaku of Nakazawa Dōni
1999 |
Sawada, Janine Anderson |
Kokan Shiren's Zen Percept Procedures
1999 |
Bodiford, William M. |
Miraculous Tales of the Hasedera Kannon
1999 |
Dykstra, Yoshifeo K. |
Genshin's Deathbed Nembutsu Ritual in Pure Land Buddhism
1999 |
Dobbins, James C. |
Shingon Services for the Dead
1999 |
Payne, Richard K. |
Buddhism and Abortion : "The Way to Memorialize One's Mizuko"
1999 |
LaFleur, William R. |
Chidō's Dreams of Buddhism
1999 |
Bodiford, William M. |
En the Ascetic
1999 |
Keenan, Linda Klepinger |
Shinran's Faith as Immediate Fulfillment in Pure Land Buddhism
1999 |
Dobbins, James C. |
Mujū Ichien's Shintō-Buddhist Syncretism
1999 |
Morrell, Robert E. |
Priest Nisshin's Ordeals
1999 |
Stone, Jacqueline I. |
The Shintō Wedding Ceremony : A Modern Norito
1999 |
Pratt, Cherish |
The Purification Formula of the Nakatomi
1999 |
Teeuwen, Mark |
A Japanese Shugendō Apocryphal Text
1999 |
Swanson, Paul L. |
The Founding of Mount Kōya and Kūkai's Eternal Meditation
1999 |
Tanabe, George Joji |
A Personal Account of the Life of the Venerable Genkū
1999 |
Andrews, Allan A. |
Makuya : Prayer, Receiving the Holy Spirit, and Bible Study
1999 |
Earhart, Harry Byron |
Motoori Norinaga on the Two Shrines at Ise
1999 |
Teeuwen, Mark |
Sasaki Shōten : Toward a Postmodern Shinshū Theology
1999 |
Van Bragt, Jan |