A Measurement of Re(ε’/ε) with Double-Beam Technique
1991 |
Yamamoto, H. |
Inner Precision Drift Chamber for Tracking and Triggering
1991 |
Suzuki, S. |
Present Status of Lattice QCD
1991 |
Okawa, M. |
Masking System and Background Estimation at the Interaction Region of KEK B-Factory
1991 |
Uno, S. |
Heavy Quark Symmetry
1991 |
Sumino, Y. |
Performance of the Mark II Silicon Strip Vertex Detector at the Stanford Linear Collider
1991 |
Breakstone, A. |
CP Violation in Exclusive B Decays
1991 |
Numata, K. |
Central Drift Chamber for KEK Asymmetric B Factory
1991 |
Abe, K. |
Nonleptonic B, D, K Meson Decays and CP-Noninvariance
1991 |
Chau, L. L. |
TOF Counter for KEK B-Factory
1991 |
Kichimi, H. |
Design of Event Builder
1991 |
Nomachi, M. |
Offline Computing for the KEK B-Factory
1991 |
Nozaki, T. |
Requirements for the B-Factory Detector
1991 |
Nozaki, T. |
Ambitious Possibilities for the B-Factory Detector
1991 |
Kamae, T. |
Model Independent Test of the Standard Model
1991 |
Sanda, A. I.. |
Physics at B-Factory
1991 |
Lim, C. S. |
Dynamical Models of B →ψ /J K+*
1991 |
Ward, B. F. L. |
Calorimeter Design for KEK B-Factiory
1991 |
Ogawa, K. |
Review of Fast RICH Detectors
1991 |
Sumiyoshi, T. |
Flavor Tagging with BBℼ Final States
1991 |
Yamamoto, H. |