Requirements for the B-Factory Detector
1991 |
Nozaki, T. |
Ambitious Possibilities for the B-Factory Detector
1991 |
Kamae, T. |
Model Independent Test of the Standard Model
1991 |
Sanda, A. I.. |
Physics at B-Factory
1991 |
Lim, C. S. |
Dynamical Models of B →ψ /J K+*
1991 |
Ward, B. F. L. |
Calorimeter Design for KEK B-Factiory
1991 |
Ogawa, K. |
Review of Fast RICH Detectors
1991 |
Sumiyoshi, T. |
Flavor Tagging with BBℼ Final States
1991 |
Yamamoto, H. |
Prototype of Computer Farm for KEK B-Factory
1991 |
Itoh, R. |
Accelerators for the KEK B-Factory
1991 |
Kurokawa, S. |
Physics and Detector Design for CESR B-Factory
1991 |
Nordberg, E. |
Heating at the Interaction Region
1991 |
Akai, K. |
Vertex Studies and Measurement of the B Lifetime with the L3 Detector at LEP
1991 |
Sens, J. C. |
Silicon Micro Vertex Detector for the KEK B-Factory
1991 |
Tsuboyama, T. |
Development of CMOS Front-end Electronics for Silicon Strip Detector
1991 |
Ikeda, H. |
Tau Physics at B-factory
1991 |
Gan, K. K. |
Particle Identification System in KEK B-Factory
1991 |
Enomoto, R. |
Trigger Design for B Factory Experiment
1991 |
Yamauchi, M. |
Prospects of B Physics in Various Accelerators
1991 |
Sakai, Y. |
Development of Double Sided Silicon Strip Detectors
1991 |
Saito, K. |