General Introduction
2020 |
Dijkstra, Jitse H. F. |
The Expulsion of Isis Worshippers and Astrologers from Rome in the Late Republic and Early Empire
2020 |
Raschle, Christian Rudolf |
Ancient Greek Binding Spells and (Political) Violence
2020 |
Eidinow, Esther |
Animal Sacrifice and the Roman Persecution of Christians (Second to Third Century)
2020 |
Rives, James B. |
Religious Violence in Late Antiquity : Current Approaches, Trends and Issues
2020 |
Mayer, Wendy |
The Discipline of Domination : Asceticism, Violence and Monastic Curses in Theodoret's Historia Religiosa
2020 |
De Wet, Chris L. |
Crowd Behaviour and the Destruction of the Serapeum at Alexandria in 391/392 CE
2020 |
Dijkstra, Jitse H. F. |
Suffering Saints : Shaping Narratives of Violence after Chalcedon
2020 |
Shepardson, Christine |
Sacred Prefigurations of Violence : Religious Communities in Situations of Conflict
2020 |
Kippenberg, Hans Gerhard |
Religion, Violence and the Diasporic Experience : The Jewish Diaspora in Flavian Rome and Puteoli
2020 |
Bendlin, Andreas |
The Violent Legacy of Constantin's Militant Piery
2020 |
Digeser, Elizabeth DePalma |
Coercion in Late Antiquity : A Brief Intellectual History
2020 |
Nuffelen, Peter van |
The Emperor, the People and Urban Violence in the Fifth and Sixth Centuries
2020 |
Greatrex, Geoffrey |
Priestesses, Pogroms and Persecutions : Religious Violence in Antiquity in a Diachronic Perspective
2020 |
Bremmer, Jan N. |
Religious Violence? : Two Massacres on a Sabbath in 66 CE Jerusalem and Caesarea
2020 |
Mason, Steve |
Violence and Monks : From a Mystical Concept to an Intolerant Practice (Fourth to Fifth Century)
2020 |
Vecoli, Fabrizio |
Fighting for Chalcedon : Vitalian's Rebellion against Anastasins
2020 |
Elton, Hugh |
The Great Persecution and Imperial Ideology : Patterns of Communication on Tetrarchic Coinage
2020 |
Manders, Erika |