Spin structure of heavy-quark hybrids
2020 |
Castellà, Jaume Tarrús |
Excited nucleon spectrum and structure studies with CLAS and CLAS12
2020 |
Carman, Daniel S. |
Physics beyond the standard model with kaons at NA62
2020 |
Massarotti, Paolo |
π π scattering from a similarity renormalization group perspective
2020 |
Gómez-Rocha, María |
Measurement of the proton polarizabilities at MAMI
2020 |
Mornacchi, Edoardo |
Studies of partonic distributions using kaon SIDIS
2020 |
Benmokhtar, Fatiha |
Determination of the pion-nucleon c term from pionic atoms
2020 |
Friedman, Eliahu |
Generalized parton distributions and transverse momentum distribution of pion
2020 |
Kaur, Navdeep |
Including tetraquark operators in the low-lying scalar meson sectors in lattice QCD
2020 |
Darvish, Daniel |
Properties of hadrons in medium in the context of fermi liquid model and diquarks
2020 |
Bhattácharya, A. |
Unquenched quark model for mesons
2020 |
Ping, Jialun |
Analysis and systematics of KATRIN: From krypton calibration to tritium beta decay
2020 |
Thorne, Larisa A. |
Studies for new experiments at the CERN M2 beamline within "physics beyond colliders": AMBER/COMPASS++, NA64μ, MuonE
2020 |
Bernhard, Johannes |
Baryon-anti-Baryon photoproduction
2020 |
Li, Hao |
Global analysis of the A(1232) contribution in the pion photo-production off nucleons
2020 |
Navarro, Gustavo H. Guerrero |
K+Λ photo- and electroproduction off proton
2020 |
Skoupil, Dalibor |
Survey of deformation in nuclei in order to estimate the enhancement of sensitivity to atomic EDM
2020 |
Mohanmurthy, Prajwal |
Drell-Yan program at SeaQuest
2020 |
Tadepalli, Arun S. |
K- pp bound system at J-PARC
2020 |
Sakuma, Fuminori |
Nucleon-to-resonance form factors at large photon virtualities
2020 |
Segovia, J. |