Jñānaśrīmitra on viparyayabādhakapramāṇa
2020 |
Kano, Kyo |
Two Kinds of Causal Capacity : sāmānyā śaktiḥ and pratiniyatā śaktiḥ
2020 |
Inami, Masahiro |
Dharmakīrti's Apoha Theory : Perceptual Judgment and the Lack of Superimposition (samāropaviveka)
2020 |
Nakasuka, Miyuki |
Dharmakīrti on the Role of Salvific Initiation and the Reception of His Critique in the Later Śaiva Tradition
2020 |
Pecchia, Cristina |
The Meaning of bāhyārtha in Dignāga's and Jinendrabuddhi's Theories of Inference
2020 |
Shiga, Kiyokuni |
A Causeless Liberation? : Kṣemarāja's Response to Dharmakīrti's Critique of Initiation
2020 |
Vasudeva, Somadeva |
Another Look at avinābhāva and niyama in Kumārila's Exegetical Works
2020 |
Yoshimizu, Kiyotaka |
Dharmakīrti and His Successors on āśrayāsiddha and prasaṅgaviparyaya
2020 |
Watanabe, Toshikazu |
Jitāri's Vijñaptimātratāsiddhi
2020 |
Chu, Junjie |
On the Determination of Causation by Dharmakīrti
2020 |
Franco, Eli |
Consciousness and Causality : Dharmakīrti Against Physicalism
2020 |
Coseru, Christian |
Universals, Demons' Pots, and Demons' Permanent Pots : Phya pa Chos kyi seng ge on Unestablished Subjects in Arguments by Consequence
2020 |
Hugon, Pascale |
Sāntarakṣita on Two Kinds of Arguments for Self-Awareness : sahopalambhaniyama and saṃvedana
2020 |
Matsuoka, Hiroko |
The Concept of vyava√sthā in Dharmottara's and Prajñākaragupta's Explanation of pramāṇa and pramāṇaphala
2020 |
Miyo, Mai |
On pramāṇabhūta - The Change of Its Meaning from Dignāga to Prajñākaragupta
2020 |
Ono, Motoi |
Dharmottara on the viparyaye bādhakapramāṇa and trairūpya in Dharmakīrti's sattvānumāna
2020 |
Sakai, Masamichi |
The Truth, the Buddha's Words, and Inference : Bhāviveka's Theory of Two Truths
2020 |
Tamura, Masaki |
Jain Conceptions of Non-Cognition : A Dialogue with Dharmakīrti on Inferential Evidence
2020 |
Gorisse, Marie-Hélène |
How Does One Cognize a Cow? : A Dialogue between Mādhava and Dignāga
2020 |
Kataoka, Kei |
Prajñākaragupta's Argument for Two Means of Valid Cognition
2020 |
Mc Allister, Patrick |